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So let the world rage, let chaos reign,
In his love, I'll always remain.
For together we'll conquer, whatever may be,
In the whispers of destiny, it's him and me.❞


"Look, man, I don't have all day." I sighed, grabbed the man by his neck and smashed his head into the tree. "And please, stop getting blood all over me." I dropped his half lifeless body on the ground and dig the heel of my shoes into his neck. I picked him up, grabbed him by the hair and smashed his jaw on my knee. He fell to the ground, begging for a single moment of rest.


kick sent him flying to the next tree. His body dropped beside the woman lying unconscious on the ground. He looked at her, reached out his hand, trying to touch her but I jab my heel into his hand.

He screamed again.

He was coughing blood. I breathed out. I was bored. I sat on the grass covered earth and put my hand on the man's neck. I dug my nails into his neck. "I have a lot of other methods to get information out of you but I am really not in the mood to kill today. So, just tell me what you know about the Akatsuki."

He looked at me, dead in the eyes. "g-go to hell, bitch," he said and tried to grab my hair. People are so stupid. I jabbed my kunai into his hand and pinned it into the tree.

He screamed in agony.

I shrugged and got up. "I warned you." I sighed. I always hated coming to this but some people were fiercely loyal and deep down inside, buried under a thousand layers of hate, I really, really admired their loyalty.

With loyalty, comes pain and death.

I grabbed the unconscious woman by her hair and dragged her in front of her husband. The man visibly tensed.

"Le-t-t her go, demon."

I smiled.

I dug my nails into her shoulder and she jolted awake. "Good morning, love." I winked. "I'm sorry, I really hoped your husband would break by now but," I sighed. "I didn't want to come to this but.." I aimed my kunai at her stomach, "your wife is with child. Twins, actually. you always wanted children, didn't you?" I hoped he already knew. I looked at the man. He was completely clueless. It pained me to reveal such a beautiful thing in such a cool way. Man, I always hated doing this. "Tell me everything you know about the Akatsuki and your children will be able to come into this damned world."

He looked between his wife and I. He didn't know. He was confused, hurt and most of all scared. His whole body was shaking. Poor man.

The woman had started crying. Her tears had wet my hands. I hated tears. Tears reflect pain. Pain is a weakness. The man was crying too. It's stupid how he wouldn't cry when I broke 47 of his bones but he would cry for a mass of cells.

"You wouldn't do that.." the man said.


I jabbed my kunai into his wife's stomach. "And your children are dead." I took the kunai out and put it on the woman's neck. "Your wife is next." I smiled. She was struggling in my arms but my grip was strong. The blood was oozing out of her stomach and in seconds she lost her consciousness.

"Bitch.. I will tear you to shreds," the woman yelled.

I chuckled. "Join the queue."

He screamed when I jabbed the dagger in her stomach. He was struggling to free himself. He started bleeding, more and more and more. His tears mixed with blood slid down his cheeks.

This actually turned out to be fun.

The man stopped struggling and broke down. Love. How pathetic.

"They are collecting tailed beasts.." he started saying. He didn't have any other options. He knew I would actually kill her. At least, he's quick to understand. I smiled. I waited till he finished and when he did, I put my hand over the woman's wound. I stopped the bleeding and used my hundred healings jutsu to stitch the wound back up.

As the man finished talking, I let his wife go. He tried to break free of the kunai that had pinned his hand to the tree but he couldn't. I kept his wife on the ground slowly and ripped the kunai out of the man's hand.

He didn't scream. He just ran to stay by his wife's side. His hands were bleeding, his head was bleeding but it seemed like he didn't care about his injuries. Only hers. I smiled unconsciously.

"You're having a boy and a girl," I said slowly. He froze. I smiled again. "I would never kill children for the sins of their parents. There is a hospital 2 miles away, get yourselves checked."

He got up, lifted his wife up and ran towards the direction I pointed at. I smiled again.

I sat on the ground, using a tree as a backrest. I gripped my necklace. I sat there holding my necklace for what felt like ages.

After a while, the rain started pouring. The trees rustled with the wind. The man must have reached the hospital yet. The insects were chirping. I loved the sound of nature. I could hear birds, insects, rain, thunder, footsteps. Footsteps?

I froze as somebody ran towards me. I tried to focus on their steps but my heart was clouding my mind. I was distracted. There is no point. I could hear the footsteps, the heartbeats, the blood rushing through their veins.

Three men appeared through the trees. I narrowed my eyes.

"Kiara-san," one of them said, "Sarutobi Hiruzen is dead. Orochimaru killed him."

I smiled. "It was about damn time."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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