Smut Content Warning Example

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Hello fellow writers and readers! I am apart of a discord community that helps build a supportive community for writers!

(Comment if you want the link; come to the dark side- we will show you love and support 😈)

One of the topics we discussed was sexual content in stories and the ages of readers engaging with the content.

Obviously in a perfect world no one but adults would be reading sexually charged literature. However, I'm sure we all know that is not the case. So we wanted to create a warning that was both informative and educational for young readers.

I think it's important to note that Wattpad has a wide outreach, I've met so many writers who are from different countries than myself. That means that we come from different cultures and societies with different rules and standards. The age of consent, the age to be considered an adult, the stigmas around sex- they all vary from place to place. So it's important to take that into consideration and rather than be judgmental or belittle, be open to having a conversation. We can't hope to create change if we aren't willing to listen and learn.

So we tried to create an inclusive sexual content warning that caters to adult readers as well as young readers who are impressionable. The goal is to educate and change the stigma and conversations. As well as take responsibility for our own actions.

Please- with full sincerity- copy and paste this content warning as you need. And do not hesitate to suggest any edits or details! ❤️🙏🏻

Content Warning: Sexual Content

This story contains fictional acts of sexual relations. The persons, settings, and actions described are not meant to be educational or used as a guide for any reader's own sexual relations. This is a work of fiction meant to be enjoyed as a work of fiction.

*Acts of Fanfiction are still fiction and do not showcase any real behaviors or relations of the persons described*

Content of this nature should be limited to ages 18+ or, at the very least, limited to readers within the realm of the age of consent. Not every country has the same laws and regulations regarding the age of consent or limiting reading audiences to adults, so please take a moment to read the details of this warning before continuing with the story.

Regardless of what is depicted in fictional works, sexual relations of any kind need to be based on five specific things; an easy way to remember this is to use the acronym F.R.I.E.S.

Consent for all sexual relations needs to be:

F: Freely Given

R: Reversible

I: Informed

E: Enthusiastic

S: Specific - meaning you need to hear the words yes and have specific information about what is being agreed to.
Examples of this would be giving a yes to foreplay, oral, use of toys or objects, penetration, etc. Someone can say yes to one and no to another, which is why it is essential to check in with your partner(s) and ensure you are getting ongoing consent from one activity to the next.

*Some works contain information or acts surrounding BDSM; this type of sexual relationship surrounds pain and pleasure. Consent still needs to be an active and freely given thing during these relations, which is why these acts require safe words so participants know when to stop or if they have reached a part that is no longer going to be consensual. BDSM can be dangerous if not done with care- please take the time to educate yourself on how to be safe.*

Sex is not the enemy. The enemy is persons who use sex as a weapon of violence against others. Regardless of fantasies, sex should always be consensual and done with respect and care for all persons engaging in these acts. Fiction is fiction. In the real world, you engage in intimate and vulnerable acts with another human being. Do right by that person and ensure you follow the rules of consent. If you are unsure of anything take the time to educate yourself before engaging in sexual relations, there are resources to help with this.

And to finish this post I would like to share my favorite way to avoid sexual assault:

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And to finish this post I would like to share my favorite way to avoid sexual assault:

And to finish this post I would like to share my favorite way to avoid sexual assault:

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And just to make sure everyone can read it:

1. Don't put drugs in people's drinks.

2. Use the buddy system. If you can't stop yourself from sexually assaulting someone ask a trusted friend to accompany you at all times to stop you.

3. When you come across someone who is drunk or asleep, the best thing you can do is not rape them.

4. When you see someone walking by themselves- leave them alone.

5. If you are in a lift, a cab, a subway, a bus, etc- and someone steps in, remember to not assault them.

6. Carry a whistle. If you think you might rape someone blow the whistle until someone comes to stop you.

These are just a few simple was to avoid sexual assault. The only thing that prevents rape is not raping people. It's that simple.

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