4) Cassie's Fate

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Have a image of Freya!
(Also if you couldnt tell already, every chapter has a image of a character!)


The group had 10 minutes before the cultists arrived...

Freya grabbed Cassie's hand moderately tight and led her to the ceremony room.

Forum was already there, putting his broom back in its original place.

"Oh, hello Forum, I see you've been cleaning.. How lovely of you." Freya smiles at the out-of-breath male.

"Thanks - Maqac made me.. Clean." Forum smiles back at Freya.

Freya was silent for a second before speaking once more. "Forum... Why do you listen to him? He treats you like shit and you just..." Forum glances off to the side. "Take it.." Freya looks at Forum with a immense amount of concern.

"Could we not take about this right now...?" Forum requests in a sheepish voice.

Freya nods.


With Maqac...


Maqac had just finshed organizing his notebooks into a somewhat neat pile, fiddling with the broken shelf.

He grunts softly in annoyance before opening a specific drawer in his desk. He pulls out a rusty screwdriver that had seen better days. There was also what seemed like... Dried up blood...? On it.

He manages to fix the shelf and puts his books back on it.

Maqac leans against the shelf, sighing. He holds the unhealthy screwdriver in hand, studying it as if it was something important to him.

He smiles before putting it back in the ajar drawer.


The church bell rings violently in the cultist's ears.

The ceremony has started.

Freya quickly hides Cassie behind the podium as a surprise for the cultists.

Forum opens the doors as the cultists flood inside the massive building, talking amongst themselves about who the sacrifice could be.

After everyone gets settled in the booths, Forum shuts the doors. He walks to Maqac's office.

He knocks on the door...

"Oh.. Um... Sorry for bothering you.. The ceremony has begun..."
"Give me a minute..."

Forum shuts the door, returning to the main room. His eyes are glossy with ready to pour tears but he holds them in. Why is he about to cry? Maqac has always been like this... Why is it all of a sudden affecting him?

"Um.. Excuse me, Freya... Ill be back in a few minutes.." Forum says in a quiet voice, sounding like he was about to ball out his eyes at any moment.

He immediately runs into a hallway no one could hear him.

And starts wiping away his tears.

Some are successful at slipping from his tear ducts.

But, nonetheless, he wipes them away helplessly.


In the ceremonial room...


Maqac had left his office, unaware of what he has made Forum feel.
Maybe a mixture of all.
Who knows.

Maqac walks to the podium, looking about the room as the chatter dies down.

"Hello my dear cultists... We have brought a new sacrifice. We hope you actually approve of her unlike the rest of them..."

Maqac pauses, grabbing Cassie's hand and showcasing her to all of the cultists.

"Meet Cassie."

All the cultists glare at Cassie with unamuse stares.

"What do you think of her? Is she worthy enough or do we... Y'know what we do to the unworthy ones..." Maqac questions.

One of the cultists blurts out...

"Shes worthy, I feel it."

Soon all the others agree.

This amazes Freya and Maqac.

Cassie smiles unbeknownst to herself.

She feels a sense of gratitude at the cultists decisions.

All of the cultists stand up and start bowing to the worthily one.

"Psst.." Maqac nudges Freya's shoulder.

"Where's Forum..?" He asked.

"I.. Dont know... He excused himself and I havent seen him since.."

Maqac nods as the cultists sit back down.

"You all are dismissed, thank you for your statements." Maqac speaks out.

'Time to find Forum...' Maqac thinks to himself.


Cliffhanger part 2 haha

waltzes: 650


bye bye silly goobers


☆EL FORUM☆Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ