Just more work for me(JuiceBox)

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I spent a few hours on work and decided I had done enough today, but I guess Citri didn't think that. Instead, she thought I hadn't done enough.
She gathered me and the rest of the crew to have us scavenge around in the storage room for spring cleaning(it's October) and sent us on our way.

I wasn't expecting to see much, so I decided to head inside after everyone else. The storage room was very dusty and dark. There were webs and dirt everywhere. I spent most of my time just dusting it up. I didn't expect to see anything interesting until I went deeper in.

The moment I was in the dead of the back, I saw something... disturbing. It was a piece of Orange tech. A flip phone to be specific.
It's screen was cracked and dirty. The orange casing was faded a bit, and it didn't have a stem.
I was freaked out, but also intrigued. So I opened my file app and stored this old piece of metals and scraps to my folder.
I heard a small clash behind the shelves. I really hoped it wasn't someone who had noticed what I had done.
Oh well I'm sure no one saw that...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 13 ⏰

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