Just another abnormal day(JuiceBox)

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I woke up, thinking today would be normal. I guess I should've lowered my expectations.
One would argue that being an orange themed laptop would get rid of any chances of living a normal life, but it's pretty easy to see how that would be a slippery slope.
I unplug myself from my charging station and head out to check on my idiot siblings. The first thing I see is my brother, Ophone, bickering with my other brother Opad. I say only my brother because the quarrels between the two of them is pretty one sided.
Ophone is a stubborn bitch who gets upset over the slightest things, and Opad isn't even able to talk, yet still manages to annoy everyone in our house.
I couldn't make out everything Ophone was lecturing Opad about. The most I got was something like "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO FUCKING TELL YOU! MY ROOM HAS MY FUCKING STUFF! YOU GO INTO MY ROOM AND MESS WITH MY STUFF!", or something like that. I would be more concerned, but that's like a regular Wednesday for this dysfunctional ass of a family(I'm like 75% sure that Opad has learned to just tune that shit out).
I move on to the kitchen to make myself a pitcher of orange juice. It's like the only think we can consume, so to avoid ourselves from drinking someone else's orange juice, we label it with our names.
I opened up the fridge to make myself a glass of juice, and noticed my sister, Oseeds on the counter talking to Ocar about something, but then paused when she finally noticed I was in the room.
Oseeds was able to float in the air as she had no legs, but she does have arms. And Ocar was a... well, car. They had a stem and leaf like everyone else in the family, but didn't have any eyes.
"The hell are you starin at?" I asked Oseeds.
"Oh-NOTHING. Nothing", she replied, chuckling a bit.
I shrugged off her small giggle and drank my orange juice. Which was a mistake as someone(definitely Oseeds) put salt in it.
Oseeds was laughing really hard. She was doing flips all over the place.
"Oseeds! What the hell!?" I shouted.
"Chill dude" she continued, "It's just a joke."
Yeah, just a joke my ass.
She's knows how much I hate having salt in my juice.
I walked out of the kitchen, fed up with my family and went back to my room so I could get to work.
As the oldest, I have to keep a good score in college so Citri won't be disappointed.
Citri is our caretaker. Every now and then she'll send us on in-house adventures. That was something she was obsessed with. Keeping us inside.
She was very weird whenever someone would try to leave.
As I was working, I heard a loud breaking noise. I left my room and notice that Opad had been destroyed by Ophone again. Citri immediately appeared and took Opad to get him fixed.
I went back into my room and just logged off my work.
"I'll do it tomorrow" I told myself, but I knew that Citri wouldn't like to see me slacking off.
But whatever, today has just been another day.
Just another abnormal day.

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