Marguerite Daisy

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Author's note: This might be historical inaccurate as I tend to focus more on making Denmark accurate on character, while he acts ooc slightly.

Norway's POV

   I woke up at 6:14 a.m., usually, I wake up around 7:00 a.m., but this one is different. 'Huh, how early.' I thought, as I look around my surroundings, arranged neatly like I left it last night.

   'My dream last night is... great, I guess.' My dreams lately is regarding about the past, is it because I've been thinking regarding to it too much? Perhaps it became peaceful so that's why. I took a drink on my coffee, which is not very hot anymore. I thought about what I should do today, I decided that I should be productive — like maybe walking to a park, or go on jogging. I should go cook something unusual, it could be a seafood, such as Tørrfisk. Yeah, perhaps I must do that.

  I have finished planning for the day, hoping it goes smoothly, just as I planned. Suddenly, I remembered, my diary. That thing has been with me for lots of decades, and I am obliged to write on it everyday, or once a week. I haven't communicate with it today, which I will do it now.
  'I wonder what I should write...' I thought to myself, my day hasn't been as interesting, mostly because I just did my daily routine. Maybe I should write about my.. true feelings that I haven't revealed for centuries. I began to think once again, true feelings about whom? I wrote about myself countless of times, whether it be insecurities, or feeling confident. 'Hm, how about Iceland? No, I don't have secret feelings about him. Sweden? No, I just see him as an understanding friend and I already revealed it. Finland? No, we've been close ever since Sweden took me in, I didn't keep any feelings about him. He's the only one I am on contact with lately.' I thought, before something clicked. 'Fucking Denmark.' I sighed slightly, but atleast I have something to write about my true feelings to someone that I have kept, not telling to atleast anyone, not even Finland. I have many thoughts about him, which is mostly mixed. A lot of people think I hate him, which I pretend to..

   I opened my diary, then clicking my pen and began to write in it. I'm better at expressing some things in it.

   "Is it just me, or I keep thinking about the past, whether it is unwanted, if not, memories I found to be heartwarming and wishing to experience it again. Has it been peaceful, so that's why I reminisce it? It could be. But I also become quite lonely, since I am alone at my house. I wonder if the other Nordics felt the same. Speaking of them, how are they anyway? Especially Iceland, but he's independent and he can do it alone, as he said. I still worry about him, though. I haven't heard much from Denmark, we're barely on contact anymore. I only see him during world meetings lately, and I began to slightly miss him, even if he was sometimes an annoying asshole who isn't considerate of people's feelings but his. But he doesn't act like that anymore, and I'm grateful for that. He was very wild back then, who likes to have fights especially to Sweden to prove himself worthy to.. me? I am honestly surprised that he likes me before, while I am just an 'emotionless' and dependent piece of flesh. But he brought the best of me, sometimes. He knows it was us from the start, didn't he? You did some good things for me, yet I didn't appreciate it and pushed you away for my sake of being. I have to admit, I wasn't used to your compliments and affection, even if it is expected because we were married that time. You've kept me from falling apart mentally, meanwhile our union, our marriage, did. Maybe Iceland wouldn't end up like he is now, if we didn't separate. I am not sure if it ruined him, thought I hope not. I did not mean to make you miserable by my words, thinking that I hate you, while it is the opposite — I never did; I only appreciate and see the good side of you. I hope you did the same thing with me, I want for you to tell people what you saw in me, and not how I turned out to be. You watered my heart like a plant, while waiting for it to grow. Without you doing that, I wouldn't be what I was today. Here, I write as I wonder about you, on how you are doing right now, do you still think of me? Do you still love me like when we were married? Even if you do until now or not, I can only wish that you are happy."

   I stopped writing, thinking I am finished. But there is still something I want to say about him.

  "Because there's nobody better than you."

Goodbye, My Danish SweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now