Chapter Eight: So High School

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Changing the song format here since this is going to be a two-part chapter, therefore I do need the titles to match.
This song is So High School by Taylor Swift
Evan "Buck" Buckley

After a successful dinner on Wednesday night, Christopher practically begged for me to come back Thursday night, which lead to me waking up on the couch Friday morning.

The first day of Eddie and Christopher's city tour.

My back aches as I sit up. I didn't exactly prepare for this to happen, so I'm not properly dressed for sleeping over, and there's no way Eddie's clothes would fit me.

We have completely different builds and heights. It just wouldn't work. Doesn't mean I'd be opposed to wearing his clothes though. I just don't think we're at that level of knowing each other yet.

I throw the blanket to the side and my feet press against the carpet. The apartment is silent and the early morning  sun peers through the blinds. I pull on my jeans and head to the kitchen, starting the coffee pot.

I shouldn't, but within seconds of it humming to life, a tired, shirtless Eddie saunters out of his bedroom. He's only wearing grey athletic shorts.

"Did I wake you?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, the smell of the coffee did." He laughs and leans against the counter. His hand is close to where mine is placed, the tips of our fingers touching like we're living in a forbidden romance, but there is nothing stopping us from just caving.

Besides the fact we're coworkers, I'm just coming to the realization that I might like guys, and our shit ton of collected trauma.

"Two creams and no sugar, right?" I ask as I pour a second cup, the coffee is straight from the pot, stopped pouring seconds ago.

He nods and looks at me, confused, "How'd you know that?"

"I've been at the station kitchen with you, Eddie, I know how everyone takes their coffee." I reply and slide the cup to him.

He nods and takes a sip from it, "Perfect, thank you, Buck."

I nod and pour my own, "How was the couch?"

Laughing, I shake my head, "Like sleeping on the floor, but it's okay."

"You could've slept in my bed and I could've slept on the couch, I wouldn't have minded." He replies and takes a sip.

"Or we could've shared." I joke and he looks at me, going silent. He spits his coffee back into the cup, then moves his hand slowly closer to mine.

He's quiet as he pulls me toward him, our bodies now nearly pressing, our feet lined up on the tile floor of the kitchen.

"Now that wouldn't be a good idea, would it?"

I don't know why my stomach suddenly feels as though it fell out my ass and to the floor, leaving me hollow, but I can take a guess as to why.

His voice is low as his face grows close to my ear, "We know what would happen, right?"

I nod and slowly lean toward him, our faces inches apart. Our noses brush for a brief second and as he leans in, I lean back slightly. Teasing him.

Then I lean in and our lips press. Every time I kiss Eddie, I feel as if he unlocks another piece of me, his lips the key and mine the lock.

His hand moves to the side of my face and down my cheekbone, his hand wrapping at the base of my neck. Oh? So he's into kinky stuff.

I've had women ask me to choke them during sex before, but I've never been choked.

But as he kisses me, he tightens his grip lightly, and I feel my breath being robbed from me. I pull back and face him, panting to catch my breath.

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