Chapter Seven: Guilty As Sin?

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Song: Guilty as Sin? by Taylor Swift


Evan "Buck" Buckley


The next shift rolls in slowly, almost in a crawl. We're on day four of weather over 100 degrees and it's muggy. All that I want right now is to crawl into a refrigerator and come out when it's not in the 100's.

Bad joke. Come Out. Good job, Buck. You've barely come to terms with your sexuality in general. I shake the thought out of my mind and as I exit the locker area, my eyes land on him. He's right outside the big doors, spraying off the truck, wearing only a tight tank top and his regular pants. I let out a breath and Hen comes up behind me, "If you keep staring, you're gonna burn a hole in him Buck."

I turn and she laughs at me, then heads back upstairs. As I go to approach Eddie, Hannah side-steps me.

Can I catch a fucking break?

"Buckley, we need to talk about the other night."

"Not interested, Hannah. It was a drunken mistake." I tell her and she sighs. There's no way she's acting like she's a teenager right now. I just want to get to Eddie.

"Okay," She says,"If that's all that it was to you, then that's all it was to me."

Awkwardly, she dips away from me, heading in a different direction and I sigh. There's no way this is actually happening right now.

I keep walking and as I reach Eddie, someone approaches from the side. A cop car.

"Buckley, Diaz. Is Captain Nash here?" She asks. Athena. Bobby's wife. I know Athena knows that he's here. It feels more like a rhetorical question. But how does she know Eddie enough to call him by his last name so casually?

"He's inside, Athena." Eddie tells her and she goes in. I finally make it to him.

"I didn't know you had met Athena already?"

He nods, "Her daughter May is Christopher's sitter."


Eddie nods as he begins to wind up the hose. The alarm goes off and we rush inside. The firehouse is abuzz while we all prepare for our next call. Athena is rushing past us and heading out to her patrol car. 

We get ready and hop into the engine, and head off to the scene.

Through the headsets, Bobby debriefs us on the call, "Car pileup on the freeway, four cars, twelve injuries total. One potential casualty." 

However, when we pull up to the scene, it's much worse than expected. Another station beat us there, but I see the worst of the accident before anyone else. In the middle of everything, are two people impaled straight through the middle by a traffic sign, their bodies are inches apart and they're limp, nearly lifeless. I nudge Hen and she gasps.

"My god." 

I nod and slowly everyone begins to see it, including Athena, who decidedly joined us as the reporting officer on this call. 

"Buck, Eddie, go and check with 133 and see how many people they've gotten. Hen, Chimney, you two are with me while we try and figure out how to transport these two." 

Did Hannah join us on the call? I don't see her anywhere, so I don't think so. 

Fine by me, gives me more time with just me and Eddie. 

"Still on for showing us around the city Friday?" He asks and I nod.

"Of course. Does ten sound fine?" 

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