2. A New Friend

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Steam billowed from trains as the six redheads and the brunette girl rushed through the crowded platforms of Kings Cross Station, trunks in tow. Eloise looked about, eyes sparkling and mouth agape.

Sure, she had visited the station each year to drop off her siblings, but the hustling crowds of people and bright, steaming trains never seemed to stop leaving her astounded. Besides, she wasn't just sending her siblings off, this year she would finally be joining them. And despite knowing she would miss Ginny and her parents, Eloise knew she would enjoy her stay at Hogwarts, at least, until Christmas.

Eloise was brought back to reality with a loud hoot from a nearby express, and with wide eyes, searched the crowds once again, looking for a mob of redheads. Soon enough, she spotted them, just in front of the secret and magical barrier that separated the muggle world and her one. As she approached, wrestling her way past muggles in an attempt to reach Percy, seeking her brother's comfort, she noticed a small boy standing beside them, her mother conversing with the boy, a generous smile on her face.

Standing on her tiptoes to reach her brother's ear, she whispered "What's going on?", making eye contact with the boy, instantly noticing his vibrant green eyes behind wireframe glasses, much like her own. 'Strange', she thought, 'he looks immensely familiar'. "This boy just approached us," answered Percy. "I don't think he knows where he's going!" giggled the young girl, eyes still trained on the boy.

"Me either." chuckled Percy before leaving her side to cross the barrier, per his mother's request. Eloise didn't process the rest of her siblings leaving the group, her thoughts focused on the still unnamed boy nervously chatting with Ron, occasionally stopping to stare at the wall where he would soon be forced to force his way through. 'If he is muggle-born, as I believe he is, then surely, he must think we are delinquents. After all, he must be new to all this magic, he does look rather lost...' Eloise pondered this. Finally, she chose to approach the boy.

"Er, hi! I'm Eloise!" she called to him just as Ronald had stepped through the seemingly brick wall. He shot his head towards her, startled by her sudden approach. "H-hi I'm Harry."

She smiled kindly towards him. "Nice to meet you, Harry!" The newly named "Harry" gently smiled back, before a great bell was heard, signifying it was now 10:50. Ellie's eyes widened, knowing the train would leave in 10 minutes. Dragging Harry by the hand, trolleys once again in tow of the Weasley girl, they pushed through the barrier of platform 9 ¾, Ellie sheepishly smiling at him as an apology.


Hurriedly making her way through the crowded platform, Eloise gasped in awe at the sight of the great scarlet train glistening in the sunlight peeking through the skylights of the enchanted station. Spotting the red hair of her mother, she pushed her trolley quicker, desperate to not miss the train. "There you are, dear!" Molly exclaimed, pushing rogue hairs out of her adopted daughter's face, earning a smile in return. "where's Harry?" she questioned the girl, her eyesight lingering on the brunette girl she loved so dearly, who would soon be leaving her for the next few months.

Eloise's smile dropped when she heard her mother's question. In her hurry, she had lost her new acquaintance in the perilous crowd. She only hoped he had some sense to get on the train instead of meandering around. Allowing Fred and George to take her belongings, stowing them away safely in the storage compartment of the great vehicle, she stepped onto the train.

The 11-year-old walked the halls of the train, attempting to spot any of her four brothers or Harry; she still needed to apologize for earlier. Finding an empty compartment, Eloise slid through the doorway and into the silence of the cabin, the only noises heard were her heavy breathing and the murmurs of chatter from other compartments. Sinking into the soft seats of the room, she gently closed her eyes, the fatigue of her already long day pushing her into a deep sleep.


A loud bang awoke Eloise from her slumber. Jerking her head towards the sound, she rubbed her eyes to see a girl looking down at her in concern. She had short, yellowish-blonde hair, slightly longer than a bob, and bright hazel eyes that seemed to make her appearance look daisy-like. "Are you alright?" she asked in concern, wiping her palms on her pale blue dress before continuing, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I dropped my toad, you see!" she exclaimed, thrusting her arms out to show the brunette girl a small wooden cage with an even smaller toad inside, its back painted with cerulean and violet stripes.

Eloise remained silent , staring at the apologetic girl in front of her. Growing up with the Weasleys, she had never bothered to make friends in the surrounding neighbourhoods; her siblings were enough company for her. However, this meant that

Eloise simply gave the blonde a small smile before speaking, "It's alright," she spoke calmly, "I was just a bit surprised, that's all." The girl smiled back at her before motioning to the seat across from her, silently asking for permission to sit down, receiving a short nod in return. "I'm Alice by the way, Alice Diggory."

Alice stuck her hand out in greeting and seconds later, a pale hand entwined itself with her wiry fingers. "Eloise," she replied, "Eloise Weasley." Any previous thoughts of escaping her new acquaintance to find her brothers or Harry slipped her mind as Eloise became comfortable with the blonde across from her.

As the two found a comfortable silence in the sloping hills of the Scottish Highlands, Eloise's eyes began to drift into a dreamless, peaceful sleep. Or at least, that's what she hoped.

A/N- thanks for reading this if you did, I really appreciate every read 🫶

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