Hallucinations / CHAOS.

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requested by : HelloIamCalm12


alright idk how to start but all the planets are just hanging out in jupiters house
i was gonna start with Neptune angst but accidentally turned it into CHAOS
ill write a solarballs version later😭



Neptune sat on a random chair upstairs, fidgeting with his fingers. He was bored. Like, REALLY bored. Uranus was spending time with Saturn, and Jupiter was busy trying to sort out whatever the rocky planets' just did.

"Hey, Neptune!"

Neptune looked up, seeing one of his best friends! Guillermo! (Also known as HALLUCINATION—)

"You wanna go upstairs? Jupiter has a balcony up there!"

Neptune grinned at the idea. "Sure! Why not?" He jumped up, following Guillermo down the hallway. Neptune noticed that Guillermo seemed different, but he didn't mind! It's still him, after all!



"Hey, uh.. where'd Neptune go? I just noticed he isn't here." Uranus looked around him, only seeing the rocky planets and Jupiter.
"Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine." Saturn smiled reassuringly, playing with his own hair.
"Mate, I don't believe that.. Neptune's, like, not trusted. With a lot of things. Especially being alone." Uranus sighed, frowning.
"Well, we can go look for him! Remember the time we went searching for Neptune when he disappeared?" Saturn gestured towards the stairs, seeming excited with the idea.
"Eh.. sure, I guess. Jupiter won't mind." Uranus turned, walking up the stairs with Saturn.

"Where would he be anyway? Do you have an idea?" Saturn looked out a window, scanning the garden area below them.
"No? Maybe he'd be outside.. Wait a damn minute." Uranus stopped, stepping back.
Neptune was on the BALCONY, sitting on the RAILING, talking to AIR.

"O-Oh dear.." Saturn looked over, noticing Neptune.
"For fuck's sake- JUPITER!" Uranus sprinted downstairs, glancing out the window again. He was still there.

"Woah! Uranus, what is it?" Jupiter raised an eyebrow, confused.
"It's Neptune! He's sitting on the fucking balcony railing!" Uranus pointed out the window, where Neptune was.
"WAIT WHAT WHERE?!" Earth shouted, turning in the same direction.
"That idiot.." Venus grumbled, looking over Mars' shoulder.
"Uh, I hope you know this, Uranus, but I locked the door to that area.." Jupiter trailed off, glancing over at Neptune.






"Hey, Guillermo, what're they doing?" Neptune pointed, watching the others panic but not understanding it.
".. Hm. I don't know. Maybe you should go down and check." Guillermo grinned back.
"Well, I can't go back in through the window because I'd fall.. What should I do?" Neptune eyed the window to his right, which was wide open.

"Just jump down. You'll land on your feet anyway!" Guillermo snickered, gesturing towards the ground below
(Neptune just wants to do an Earth alone guys)
"Uhh.. okay! Sounds fun!" Neptune stood up, looking down.

"Neptune- NEPTUNE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Uranus shouted, sprinting outside.

Too late.

Neptune jumped off the ledge.



part 2 later guys (if i remember)

solarballs dumpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora