Chapter 5

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Hot shot was eager to get fitted for his new prosthetic day leg and his first running blade. "I am so excited I can't wait to see if they fit and chose what the socket to look let," Hot shot said.

"I know you are son we are almost there," Heatwave said.

They made it there to the hospital. They went inside and Hot shot was now waiting his turn to be seen. Hot shot was so excited about this. Then a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said.

Hot shot came back with his father. Hot shot tried on the socket for both the day leg and the running blade. "Little loose," Hot shot said.

"Yes it is a little too big," the prosthetist said. "We can fix that really quick," she said and took it back. Then the sockets got grinded down a little and adjusted. Then she brought it back. Hot shot tried it on again. 

"That feels perfect," Hot shot said.

"Yes it is a perfect fit with enough growing room," the prosthetist said. "Now how would you like your sockets to look?" she asked.

"I want Pikachu for my day leg and a fire truck on my running blade," Hot shot said.

"Okay that can be arranged," the prosthetist said. 

"Oh boy," Hot shot said.

Hot shot would soon have to come back in a few weeks to try out his newly made prosthetics. Hot shot was really looking forward too it.

A few weeks later Hot shot came back to the hospital. There Hot shot tried on his new day leg first. "It is a perfect fit," the prosthetist said. "Now try to walk around," she said.

Hot shot began to walk around on it and wasn't having any kind of trouble. "Very good Hot shot," the physical therapist said. "Are you ready to learn how to use your running blade?" she asked.

"Yes!" Hot shot said. Hot shot was really excited to learn how to use a running blade. Hot shot put it on after taking off his new day leg. First Hot shot began to bounce on it to learn how to step with it. 

Hot shot was able to walk on it with a little practice. Hot shot didn't know how to run with it quite yet. But soon he began to add more speed and soon her was running. He was running fast and able to run without tiring. "I can run!" Hot shot said. "It is so much easier to run now!" he said.

"That's great Hot shot," the therapist said. "You are doing great," she said.  

Hot shot soon got the full hang of it after a few days. Hot shot was eager to show his legs to his friends. "This my new day leg and this is my very first running blade," Hot shot said showing them.

"That is so cool," Hoist said.

"Nice choice in socket style," Whirl said.

"Says a lot about what you like," Medix said.

"I am so looking forward to all of us playing tag with your new running blade," Wedge said.

"I am looking forward to that too," Hot shot said. "I am also looking forward to going to school," he said.

Soon the first day of school came. Hot shot made sure he had everything. He had his backpack and his lunch. Hot shot got to meet his new teacher Ms. Sunrae. Hot shot saw the class was full of children. Hot shot saw his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge were in the same class as him. That made Hot shot very happy. 

Hot shot and his friends all sat at a table with a big star on it. Hot shot found his name on the table. There were two name tags with his name. One was for him to know his assigned seat, another was to wear to let others know his name. 

Hot shot was wondering what the kids who didn't know him would think of his prosthetic leg. "Hey what is with that leg?" a kid name Oscar asked pointing.

"When I was a baby I had no ankle joint and the doctors had to amputate it below the knee so I could get a prosthetic so I could walk," Hot shot said. "This is my new day leg, I get new legs a couple of times each year because I am still growing," he said. "I also got my first running blade, meant for running, jumping, climbing, playing and doing sports," he said.

"Cool," Oscar said. 

Many of the kids in Hot shot's class thought Hot shot's prosthetic leg was kind of neat. "It's so cool," they said. 

Hot shot was glad to be accepted by the kids in his class. Hot shot met other kids in the class. He met Mach, Glow and Scorch who were also human Cybertronian colonist who came to Earth. "I like sports how about you?" Hot shot asked Scorch.

"I love sports my favorite sport is soccer," Scorch said.

"My favorite sport is baseball," Hot shot said.

"Neat," Scorch said. "I have signed baseball from a New York Yankee," he said. "I love the Yankees they are my favorite team," he said.

"I have a baseball signed by the whole Texas Rangers team, I got one when I visited the ball park in Texas for a rangers game during summer before Kindergarten. A guy took a ball from me and I was upset. A rangers player saw me crying and then he came up with a ball covered in writing for me. He told me all of the Rangers signed it." Hot shot said. "It is in my room in a special display you can come later to see it if you like," he said.

"Cool," Scorch said. "That is so neat, a ball signed by all of the Texas Rangers," he said. 

"I have a basketball signed by my favorite Chicago Bulls player," Mach said.

"I have a signed Hockey poster by my favorite Hockey star," Glow said.

"Cool," Hot shot said.

Hot shot came home very happy. "My class thought my prosthetic leg was cool," Hot shot said. 

"That's great to hear son," Heatwave said.

"My friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge are also in my class," Hot shot said. 

"It is good to here your friends are in the same class," Quickshadow said. "It seems just yesterday you and your friends were all playing together as toddlers in a kiddie pool," she said. 

"Mummy," Hot shot said.

"Don't worry kid parents talk about that stuff and embarrass kids all the time," Kade said. 

"Been there," Dani said.

"Same here," Graham said.

"I know how you feel," Cody said.

Hot shot was looking forward to going back to school tomorrow. Hot shot was hoping Kindergarten was going to keep going well. Hot shot had many more adventures ahead!

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