Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Davis fixed a good breakfast for them all the following day, and then they prepared for the trip to meet Vivian.They were silent on the way to Clarrisa's apartment. Lainie sat in the front with her brother, and Emily and Bella were in the back seat. Davis would steal a glance at Emily through the rear-view mirror, and their eyes would meet. He reached a hand down low beside his seat where she sat and reached for her. Emily held his hand briefly. They could feel the electricity between them and wondered if everyone else in the vehicle could also feel it. He grinned at her as if reading her thoughts, and she blushed prettily. He smiled, knowing that he was the cause of that blush.

They arrived at Clarrisa's apartment with time to spare, and Bella was immediately drawn to Mozart and Beethoven. They rubbed against her ankles and purred, and she felt delighted in touching their soft ginger fur."Well, they have certainly taken a liking to you, Bella!" Clarrisa commented loudly, hearing their purrs. Bella looked up at her with a big smile.

"Animals have always loved Bella," Lainie said as she and the rest of the crowd watched her play with the cats.

The atmosphere was strained. Clarrisa had lit multiple white and violet candles around the apartment for protection and peace, as instructed by Vivian. Davis, Lainie, and Emily were very apprehensive about meeting her and felt incredibly anxious about meeting the psychic. They were still determining exactly how the meeting would go. Lainie sat on a bar stool at the counter in the kitchen, and Davis and Emily sat a distance away from each other on the couch.

The Sisters began to arrive at five minutes till eleven, and they all wore dark green cloaks that brushed the carpet as they walked. Luna was not with them then because she was bringing Vivian with her.
At precisely eleven o'clock, the doorbell rang. Clarrisa went to open it, and Luna and Vivian walked in. Vivian had an air about her that created a stir. With her dark skin and snow-white hair, she stood out from the crowd everywhere she went, and this time was no exception. She wore a long black dress with short sleeves and a scooped neck, and around her throat was a string of simple white pearls that reached her waist and encircled her slender neck. She took off her shoes as soon as she walked through the door. She always did this to calm and center herself before a reading.
She looked around her at the room and smiled.
"There is good energy here, Cherie," she commented to Clarrisa.
She took in all the people that were there in one long glance. Clarrisa went around the room and introduced everyone to Vivian. She carried a giant hot pink tote bag that she handed to Luna, which Luna placed on the floor beside Vivian. Clarrisa offered her the recliner to sit in.

"You can sit here, Miss Vivian." she offered.

Vivian looked at her and patted her on the hand."Thank you, Cherie. It is a hot one out there today, and I am spent already." She said in a low tone.
Vivian sat down in the plush white chair with a relieved sigh and smiled at everyone."Thank you all for coming today because everyone in this room is vital to make this cleansing a success." Her voice was powerful but soft. Her hazel eyes landed on the young girl playing with the cats in the middle of the floor, and then she looked at Emily, and her gaze was intense upon her. Emily shuffled uncomfortably under her scrutiny. "So, let's get started," she said, reaching down in her bag; she pulled out a beautiful string of Rose Quartz beads. Vivian wrapped the beads around her hands and entwined the strand around and in between her slender fingers. "This house is inhabited currently?" she asked, looking at Emily intensely.

Emily nodded."No, ma'am. There is currently no one residing there."

Vivian nodded her head,"Come closer to me, Emily." she ordered gently. Emily glanced at Davis, and he smiled reassuringly back at her. Vivian held out her hand to Emily. "Hold my hand,  Cherie."
Emily took it, and Vivian flipped her palm over and looked at her lifelines. She closed her eyes and moaned deeply as if in physical pain. Her touch was smooth and comforting against Emily's skin.
"So much suffering for one so young." She looked down at Emily, and her hazel eyes were sad.
Emily did not know what to say, so she said nothing. Vivian continued.
"You blame yourself for this great loss, but it is not your fault. It was their time. Do you understand?" She asked her in an urgent whisper.
Emily remained still.
"You are not the cause of passing, and even though it will probably always hurt, you must give yourself some grace, Ma Cherie, and allow yourself to breathe again." She smiled sweetly at her. "To live again."
Vivian closed her eyes tightly, and the words came out in a rush.
"Someone is with you." She suddenly said in a whisper.
Chills racked Emily's body.
"A man," she said. "He is very energetic, and he is excited to talk!"
Vivian stared past Emily into the distance and shook her head.
"He wants you to know that .... It was quick. He felt nothing when the truck hit."
Emily gasped loudly, and tears burned the back of her eyes.
"He says...." She chuckled. "He's a persistent young man," she commented brightly.
Emily hung on to her every word.
"He's saying a name, but I can't make it out."
She strained to listen and then said.
"Nathan." Tears openly rolled down Emily's cheeks at that point. She could hold them back no longer.
Vivian nodded softly.
"This means something to you?"

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