Chapter 13: Fushiguro vs Todoroki

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Before I start this chapter I wanted to say I appreciate all the support and kind words in the comments from the last chapter! I hope this story continues to live up to your hopes and expectations. Anyways, enjoy!


Kai stepped out into the arena feeling prepared. Todoroki himself looked concentrated it appeared he was still had a lot on his mind after his fight with Midoriya.

(Present Mic): The first match of the semifinals! Both got in through recommendation, making this a battle of elites! From the Hero course, Kai Fushiguro! Versus... His classmate, Shoto Todoroki!

(Kai) Thoughts: I can't negate his attacks like Midoriya did. I'll have to rely on Nue to deal with his ice... If need be I have my trump card.

(Present Mic): Start!

Todoroki starts with a wave of ice. Kai learning from his fight with Iida already formed the shadow puppet of a bird.

(Kai): NUE!

Nue quickly appears and she grabbed onto Kai's shoulders and flew into the air. They successfully avoided the attack. Todoroki looked up he was hoping to finish this fast. Kai lands on the ground  and Todoroki sent a wave of ice at them. Nue jumps in front of Kai using her body as a shield. The ice engulfed half of the arena.

(Present Mic): Woah! That was fast! Fushiguro has been- Huh?

Todoroki saw the ice crack and Nue screeches as she managed to destroy the ice trapping them. Kai grabs onto some ice and throws himself forward. Nue stayed where she was as Kai rushed at him so he could get close. Todoroki threw a punch but Kai blocked it with his arm and Kai responded with a punch to his stomach. Todoroki skids back and stood up revealing he used his ice on his stomach to protect himself against Kai's punch. The ice shatters into pieces as he narrows his eyes. Todoroki sends another wave of ice, Kai used some of the ice from the previous attack to jump off of to boost himself over the new attack. Todoroki looked surprised, Kai went for an axe kick. Todoroki holds his arm up and encased it in ice protecting himself from the kick. Todoroki flicked his arm causing the ice to fall onto the ground. Kai skids back glaring.

(Kai) Thoughts: He's defending against my attacks. Is he hoping I'd wear myself out? Well it'll take a lot more then that to do it.

Kai slams his hands together.

(Kai): Divine Dogs!

Kai's shadow spread out and began bubbling. Kari and Noir appeared beside him growling.

(Kai) Thoughts: Rush him!

Kari and Noir charged at him from both sides while Kai rushed him from the middle. Todoroki was surprised and slammed his foot on the ground spears of ice shoot out of the ground trying to stop at least one of them. But Kai expertly dodged even using the spears to boost himself forward. Kari and Noir just used their claws to cut down the ice. Kai was the first to reach Todoroki, he saw the frostbite and he grabs him by his jacket and threw him out of bounds. Todoroki creates a wave of ice to keep himself from going out of the arena and surfs the ice wave around so he could also block Kari and Noir from reaching him then he went right for Kai. Kai lunged at Todoroki preparing a punch which Todoroki avoids and grabs his arm with his left hand. Kai narrowed his eyes thinking Todoroki was going to use his fire. But suddenly...

(Endeavor): Use your left side. Do it, Shoto!

Endeavors shout caused Todoroki to freeze up and he threw Kai away, he flips and digs his hands into the ground to slow himself down. Kai glared at Todoroki.

(Kai): Seriously? Are you still holding back your fire? After everything Midoriya sacrificed to get you to use it?!

Kai ran up to him, Todoroki tried to defend himself but his movements were slow. Kai grabs him by his jacket and knees him in the stomach. Todoroki skids back slightly, he coughed.

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