Chapter 11: Battle on, Challengers!

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(Present Mic): Now, let's take an hour lunch break before we start the afternoon festivities! See ya soon!

Present Mic turns off his mic and turned to his friend.

(Present Mic): Hey, Shota. Let's grab some food.

Aizawa glanced at him and then chose to shut them.

(Aizawa): I'd rather nap.

Present Mic nodded and left. He'd bring him back something.


Down on the field the students found their friends and went for lunch. Kai and Yaoyorozu walked out of the stadium, Yaoyorozu was talking about how well they did together. They then ran into Jiro and Kaminari. The blonde teen grinned and waved at them.

(Kaminari): Hey, Fushiguro, Yaoyorozu, congratulations on first place! You guys were amazing!

Yaoyorozu smiles.

(Yaoyorozu): Thank you Kaminari. You did great too. 

Jiro walks up to Kai and jabs her earphone jack into his arm.

(Kai): Ow! What gives?!

He rubbed his arm, he wasn't happy with the sudden attack.

(Jiro): You were holding out on me.

Kai guessed she was talking about Nue.

(Kai): The Sports Festival only has one winner, we'd end up being enemies. Why would I show you all of my cards? It's far more strategic to keep them close to my chest.

(Jiro): Whatever. Should we go to the cafeteria or check out some food stalls?

Kaminari thought it over and he knew what he wanted.

(Kaminari): Let's get some sushi from the cafeteria!

Jiro and Yaoyorozu didn't mind and Kai didn't care, he just wanted to eat. As the group headed for the cafeteria a hand was placed on Kai's shoulder stopping him. The other three stopped to see why he stopped. Kai looked back and saw Todoroki.

(Kai): You need something?

Todoroki removes his hand and in typical Todoroki fashion got right to the point.

(Todoroki): I wish to speak with you... Alone.

He adds the last part as he saw Kaminari, Jiro, and Yaoyorozu were not so subtly trying to listen in. Kai sighed, he wanted to eat.

(Kai): Will it take long?

Todoroki shook his head.

(Todoroki): Ten to fifteen minutes at most.

Kai didn't really want to follow him but he rarely heard Todoroki talk or even go out of his way to talk to someone. Screw it, Kai will just have Yaoyorozu save him something. He wouldn't ask Kaminari or Jiro because the damn seagulls would eat his food.

(Kai): Fine. Lead the way.

Todoroki leads Kai into one of the many tunnels in the stadium, as they walked Kai reflected on how much Cursed Energy he has in the tank. Before Todoroki took the 10 million headband he had 60% and after dismissing Nue at the end it went down to 56%. Kai hopes with the lunch break it'll go up to the 70% mark. After a few minutes of walking they reached a secluded part of the stadium. Kai was quick to notice Midoriya standing there. Does Todoroki want to talk to him as well?

(Kai) Thoughts: The hell is going on?

(Midoriya): Fushiguro?

Midoriya was equally as surprised to see Kai.

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