Chapter 8: A Vow is Binding

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It was Monday and the sun was setting. Kai hadn't gone to school today the reason being that after what happened at USJ, U.A. temporarily closed to allow the students to have time to rest and just recover from what happened. The faculty took this as a chance to beef up their security systems. Most of the students either enjoyed the time off by going out with friends, sleeping in, or just mentally recovering. Kai on the other hand was in his backyard fighting for his life. He dodged a volley of strikes each aimed at vital areas. Kari and Noir watched looking entertained. Kai barely dodged each strike, he crouched preparing a kick at his attackers feet but the attacker leapt back and then once his foot landed on the ground the attacker lunged forward and threw a punch, Kai closed his eyes. The punch stopped inches from his nose

(???): And... You're dead

Kai looked at Toji who had been rigorously training him. Toji fist opens offering Kai a hand which he accepts. Kai walked over to a table that had two water bottles and threw one at Toji who easily caught it

(Kai): Are you sure it's okay to be moving around so much?

Kai was concerned about his fathers health. Toji downed his water and waved his hand dismissively

(Toji): Yeah, the old lady has a good healing Quirk. She did recommend I take it easy but I've bounced back far quicker from worse

Toji dismissed his son's worries, he was always a quick healer. Toji then glanced at Kai, during their fight he noticed that the strength of Kai's blows had a bit of an increase compared to their last spar a fortnight ago. He was making progress, good

(Toji) Thoughts: He's gotten stronger. I thought this would happen. He's my kid so it was obvious that he'd inherit my strange gene's

He gazes at his son. Kai was unaware of the thoughts going through his father's head

(Toji) Thoughts:There will come a day where you'll be able to match me if not surpass me when it comes to physical prowess

Toji thought as he stretched preparing for another round of sparring. Kai finished drinking his water and asked a question

(Kai): Why are we training so hard? I've noticed our spars and the exercises you have me do have increased in intensity. Is there a reason for that?

Toji purses his lips as a memory from the night of the USJ attack came to him


Toji was lying in a bed inside of Recovery Girl's office. The old lady had to do some surgery to remove the ribs that were poking his lung and sticking out his torso. She then put them back in place and used her Quirk making it seem like they were never broken. Toji looked quite bored, after he was thrown into the ambulance he was given anaesthesia and woke up after the surgery. His first concern was his son but when checking his phone found out he is staying with the Jiro's. Toji closed his eyes feeling slightly relieved

(Toji) Thoughts: I really owe those two big time

Toji's eyes snapped open as the door opened. He saw two people enter the room. One of them was a sickly thin blonde man with a sharp chin. This was his best friend Toshinori Yagi or you'd know him as All Might. Toji looked surprised to see the man standing next to Toshinori

(???): Hey, Fushiguro. Been a while

(Toji): The hell? They got you investigating Tsukauchi?

Naomasa Tsukauchi was a long time friend of Toji and Toshinori who works in the police force. Tsukauchi smiled

(Tsukauchi): Sorry to cut to the chase, but I could really use any information you might have...

Toji raises a hand making him stop what he was saying

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