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Yibo's grip tightened around the younger male in a surge of anger and protectiveness as he finished listening to Zhan's past mistreatment. It was unfathomable how anyone could treat him in such a despicable manner.

He better pray he doesn't meet him or he'll kill him.

Zhan's tears continued to flow as Yibo held him tightly. Yibo gently shifted his position, lifting Zhan in his arms. Zhan, overcome with emotion, instinctively wrapped his legs around Yibo's torso and buried his face in Yibo's neck. Yibo gently kissed him on the temple and began walking towards the bed. He lowered him down, gently lying him on the bed. He wanted to move away but Zhan's grip around his neck was tight, not wanting to let the older go, so Yibo just lay down next to him, spooning him in his arm.

"I'm sorry Zhan for what happened to you. I won't say I'm a good guy because I'm not. I have many flaws but I promise to protect you with my life."

Zhan answered, his voice sounding slightly muffled. "I'm not a woman nor weak that needs protection but that sounds really nice."

"Allow me to rephrase. I'm not protecting you because you're weak, I'm protecting you because you're mine. Do you understand?"

Zhan nodded in agreement, but Yibo noticed that he seemed hesitant. Gently placing his hand under Zhan's chin, Yibo lifted his head and softly encouraged him, "It's okay, baby. You can tell me what's on your mind."

"Yibo I'm not a clean or pure person. Are you still willing to accept me with all of my flaws? Even if I'm tainted?" Zhan frowed his eyebrows.

"Don't let me hear you say that again ok? For me you're perfect. No one else can stand up to me and match my energy like you do." Yibo spoke, glaring at him.

Tears welled up in the corner of Zhan's eyes once again as he grappled with conflicting emotions. He felt torn and uncertain about what to do. How can he trust him? 

I'm not sure if I can bear it if I give my heart to Yibo and he breaks it. Zhan thought.

"It's ok Zhan. I will try my best to make you trust me and I will work to gain your love, please let me."

There was no reply so Yibo gazed down at Zhan and noticed that he had already drifted off to sleep. A soft smile formed on Yibo's lips as he admired the peaceful expression on Zhan's face, with his fluffy hair framing his features. At that moment, Yibo couldn't help but think that Zhan was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

As the hours passed, the night gradually blended into the morning, with both of them fast asleep next to each other, their breathing rhythmic and peaceful, and the soft light of dawn creeping through the curtains.

Zhan slowly opened his eyes, the morning light filtering through the curtains and casting a warm glow over the room. As he took in his surroundings, his gaze settled on Yibo, who was still deep in slumber, the rise and fall of his chest steady and peaceful. Zhan shifted slightly, then carefully moved to lie on his side, propping himself up on his elbow. A soft smile graced his lips as he watched Yibo, feeling a wave of contentment wash over him.

 A soft smile graced his lips as he watched Yibo, feeling a wave of contentment wash over him

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