Chapter 10

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Jill started to slowly open her eyes until she gasped and quickly got up. She looked at her hands for few a moments and discover that she was okay.

Jill got out of bed then looked around to find out where she was. It looked like she was in a hospital. She had to guess that Y/N must have brought her here. Jill wondered where he had gone.  

Y/N: "Ah, Jill. You're finally awake. That's good."

Jill: "Y/N? What happened?"

Y/N: "Well, last time I remembered was that you were trying the cross the border. But you walked right into an imperial amb-"

Jill: "Can't you be serious? "She replied, annoyed.

Y/N: "Fine. Long story short, Nemesis infected you with a virus and I carried you here to get you cured. It worked."

Jill: "You found a cure?" She was surprised.

Y/N: "Yeah, but you were asleep for quite a while. You missed out about... well, everything."

Jill: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "All the monsters are dead, everyone is cured, the city is saved."

Jill: "What?! It's over?"

Y/N: "Yep, the book is done. The game is finished. We're rolling credits."

She smiled at his humor but was also relieved that the nightmare is over.

Jill: "Thank god."

Y/N: "Uh... Jill?"

Jill: "What is it?"

When she looked at Y/N, she noticed that something was strange about him.

Y/N: "This... may be a bad time to bring this up... But, I'm... not feeling... very... good..."

He suddenly got down on his knees then started to vomit blood. His shades fell off him while it happened.

Jill: "Y/N?"

She checked on to see if he was okay. Y/N looked at her aggressively which caused her to step back and trip. Y/N showed signs of infection and his eyes glowed red. Jill was shocked that he was about to turn into one of them.

Jill: "No... NO!"

She crawled away from him until she was reached a corner. Jill pulled out her pistol and aimed it at him but she was hesitating.

Y/N: "You need... to shoot me... Jill! If you don't... I'll..."

Jill: "Y/N... I... can't..."

She couldn't pull the trigger as she lowered the gun. Y/N couldn't resist anymore as he had fully turned and attacked Jill. Everything went black.

Back to reality

Jill opened her eyes then slowly got up. She looked around the room?

Jill: "Where am I? What's going on?"

She started to move until she felt the pain on her left arm. She looked at it and saw that it was bandaged. Jill wondered what happened while she was out. Jill remembered that she was infected but now, she felt that that the virus was no longer in her. How did she recovered? Did Y/N have something to do with it?

She was interrupted by the announcement on the TV.

TV: "Attention all citizens. The missile strike on Raccoon City will occur in just hours. The payload is designed to eradicate all biological material. You will not survive if you remain in the city. Evacuate now. Repeat, evacuate now." 

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