Chapter 2

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Jill: "So let me get this straight, a researcher named William Birkin was creating something called the G-Virus and Umbrella wanted to get it's hands on it. After that, he injected himself with the G-Virus and killed Umbrella's squad. Then he consumed the remaining G-Virus samples and crushed the T-Virus samples. Leaving the rats to feed on it. Is that right?"

Y/N: "Yep, that's how all this happened."

Jill: "And the lab is right underneath the police station?"

Y/N: "Yeah and Chief Irons knows about it. He's been taking bribes from them and he's connected to William Birkin."

Jill: "I knew he was corrupted. What do you plan to do now? Are you heading to the police station after this?"

Y/N: "Actually no. I'm just focused on getting you out of this city. Don't worry about the lab, it's going to be blown up soon enough along with Birkin."

Jill: "How do you know?"

Y/N: "Because someone else will take care that soon enough."

Jill: "Who would that be?"

Y/N: "Let's just say he's a lot like me. Only without the powers and the badass shades."

Jill: "That's helpful." She said sarcastically.

Y/N: "And the other is Chris's sister, Claire."

Jill: "Claire? What's she doing here?"

Y/N: "Looking for Chris. She'll be here tomorrow. Don't worry, she can take care of herself. She'll hardly need my- I mean his help."

Jill: "How do you know about this?"

Y/N: "I have ways of obtaining certain information."

In other words, play the games and using the internet.

Y/N: "So, are you satisfied? Can we get started on getting that power back on?"

Jill: "(sigh) For now, yes. But I want to continue this when we have the time."

Y/N: "Fine by me."

They exit the subway and went through the half closed shutters. They saw people running and panicking. One of them crawled into the shutters.

Y/N: "Pardon us. The escape car is right this way."

Jill: "Come on, Y/N. We need to get that train moving."

They noticed a zombie close by. He noticed them and walked towards them. Jill pointed her pistol at him but Y/N raised his hand in front of her.

Y/N: "I got this."

He got the fire knife out then ran past the zombie at super speed. Y/N stopped behind as the zombie suddenly froze. Moments later, his head was decapitated then his body fell to the ground.

Y/N: "I am fucking awesome!"

Jill: "You're such a show off."

Y/N: "I always wanted to do that. Anyway, let's move on."

They head into the alley to go around the blocked street. When they were heading out to the alley, they encounter another zombie which was currently feeding on a fresh corpse.

Jill: "Are you going to show me another fancy trick, Y/N?"

Y/N: "No, I'm good."

The zombie turned to them and it stood back up. Y/N and Jill both fired their pistols until it died. They continued on as Y/N shot the corpse's head on the way. As they were back on the street, Y/N saw the store in front of him.

Resident Evil 3 X Male Reader (Third Play)Where stories live. Discover now