Chapter 6

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When the train crashed, Y/N pulled Jill out of the train. Luckily, she didn't appear to have any serious injuries. She was still unconscious from the crash, so Y/N had to carry her somewhere safe. Y/N turned around and saw that train was on fire.

Y/N: "Damn, we got to get moving."

He looked at Jill.

Y/N: "Let's get you out of here."

Y/N carried her to the nearest door ahead. It was a door with a valve. He set her down for a minute and turned the valve until the door was opened. While he was doing that he heard Jill groan as she was waking up.

Jill: ""

He opened the door then turned to Jill.

Y/N: "Good to see you back in the living, Jill."

Jill: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Come on, I'll help you up."

He grabbed her arm and helped her walk into the next room. There was an item chest at the other side. Y/N decided to set her down on one of the benches. 

Y/N: "Let's take a minute to rest. You look like you need it."

Jill: "Did anyone else make it out?"

Y/N: "Afraid not. Everyone, including Mikhail died. I believe we're the only ones left."

She lowered her head.

Jill: "It's my fault... I brought that creature on the train."

Y/N: "Don't say that. You had nothing to do with it. Nemesis did all of this, not you."

Jill: "I know. I shouldn't think like that. I just wished we could have saved them."

Y/N: "All we could do right now is finding a way out of this place."

She nodded. He decided to try and contact Carlos.

Y/N: "Carlos, you there?"

He didn't get a response.

Y/N: "Well shit. We'll have to get out of the subway."

He put the radio away.

Jill: "Do you know what happened to that Nemesis creature?"

Y/N: "I doubt he's dead. I think all that Mikhail did was buy us some time."

She groaned in frustration.

Jill: "What's it going to take kill that fucking thing?"

Y/N: "Well, rockets only stunned him. And an exploding gas station along with a fuel truck didn't do the job either. The same with some explosives in the face. I suppose we could try a nuclear bomb. That might be able to kill it."

Jill: "This isn't the time for your stupid jokes."

Y/N: "I'm not joking. That thing was created to be an indestructible monster!"

After a few moments, he started to calm down as he sighed.

Jill: "So, there's no way to kill it."

He sat down next her and has his head down.

Y/N: "No, you can't. Not unless you have some sort of superweapon."

Suddenly, he remembered something.

Y/N: "Wait, yes. That's right."

Jill: "What? What is it?"

Y/N: "Umbrella was also developing a powerful railgun. Here in Raccoon City."

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