Hunter and Prey-Finale

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"Kraven? sorry to say but this ain't a forest or a jungle. You're out of your depth here "Hunter". SO, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way? Please pick the hard way", I said, cracking my knuckles. Suddenly they threw a Knife but I caught it by its hilt just in front of my eye. Dropping it at my feet I smirked.

"hard way it is"

We both ran at each other as he had a crazed smile on his face. He drew two knives from inside his vest, fun. Once we met each other he slashed at me multiple times as I dodged and weaved before countering with a spinning back kick he blocked with both his arms. The kick pushed him back before he came at me faster than before. How'd that happen? Dodging to the side of one of his slashes I punched him in the side but it did nothing to slow him down. Coming down with another knife he scraped my arm as I dodged. Backing up I felt the cut to feel it was only a glaze. Great, now I need to know how to sew, wonderful.

He didn't give me another moment to breathe though as he was back on me. Again I turned to the side to dodge one of his knives to only get nicked again, shit. Deciding to go on the offensive I ran at him low, tackling him for a moment before throwing him into a wall. Staying low again I came at him with an uppercut that grazed his chin as he bent his head to the side. Damn it. He quickly countered with a roundhouse kick hitting me in my side making me stumble to the side but quickly recover.

"You fight well but you lack the instinct", he said before running back at me. Once he got close I came at him with a right hook but in a surprising feat of agility he jumped over me slashing my back.

"AH! fucker!", I said quickly standing back up. This is getting annoying. As I turned around he was in the air with both knives raised. Reacting quickly I jumped to the side while also kicking him in the chest making him fly through the air.

When he hit the ground he rolled into a kneeling position. Taking some time to catch my breath I stood on guard. Fighting this guy is crazy. The look in his eyes and that crazed smile. The way he moves too is precise but had a raw nature to it. I feel like I'm fighting an actual animal right now. If anything I feel like I'm fighting a lion.

He stood up slowly keeping that crazed smile as he reached next to him grabbing his spear from the thief's corpse. Shit, didn't even realize where he landed. He spun it in one hand before having the tip pointed at the ground and the shaft resting behind his back. He knelt down getting ready to pounce as I got ready. Suddenly I heard sirens outside. About time the police showed up! Kraven stood straight before leaning his head back letting out a long disappointed sigh.

"Shame, I was just having fun. We'll have to continue this another time spider when we don't have anyone who could interrupt us", he said, grabbing a small ball from a pouch. Not wasting a moment I ran at him fist raised as he threw the ball down creating a smoke screen. Going through the smoke my fist landed against the vault missing him.

Looking around I tried to find a sign of where he went. Seeing that he wasn't in the bank anymore I fell to a knee feeling my adrenaline wearing off. To a point I fell against the vault exhausted. Never have I fought a guy like this before. He's obviously more skilled than me. if I had to guess from hunting different prey. Hearing footsteps I looked to their source to see police officers with Detective Bridge. Looking at the body next not far from me I feared the worst. Really don't want to beat some cops up again.

"Spook! you ok mate?", Bridge said holstering his gun. The others followed shortly.

"I'll live Detective, sadly can't say the same for him", I said looking at the body.

"Holy shit, did you do that?", one of the officers asked. I gave him an annoyed look.

"No, was killed by a spear from some guy who calls himself "Kraven". Fucking lunatic with knives", I said standing up with help from the detective. Once fully up I leaned on the wall to support me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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