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K A S H V I ' S   P O V

 the orientation activities continued, Chitra, Aradhya, and I found ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of icebreakers, team-building exercises, and campus tours.

Chitra, couldn't help but roll her eyes at some of the cheesy activities we were asked to participate in. "Seriously, do they think we're in kindergarten?" she muttered under her breath.

I chuckled, nodding in agreement. "I know, right? I feel like we're being treated like kids," I replied, sharing Chitra's sentiment.

 The orientation activities continued, and after the final activity of the day, we three went to take our ID cards from the administrative office.

The administrative building was bustling with students, all eager to get their hands on the coveted cards. We joined the queue and waited patiently, making small talk to pass the time.

As i approached the counter, the administrator smiled warmly at me. "Name, please?" she asked, ready to search for my card.

"Kashvi kaur," I replied.

She typed my name into the computer and after a few moments of searching, she located my ID card. Handing it to me, she said, "Here you go, Kashvi. welcome to our college!"

"Thank you," I replied, taking the card and stepping aside to let Chitra and Aradhya get theirs.

The three of us got our IDs and walked out of the administrative building, the excitement of starting college brewing in our hearts. I approached Dean Bhatia, who was still overseeing the orientation activities, "Excuse me, mam, what's next now that we've done the orientation and got our IDs?" I asked politely.

Dean Bhatia glanced at me that spoke "Well, now that you have your IDs, you're officially students of our college! Tomorrow, classes will begin. Make sure to check your schedules and be on time for your first classes," she replied.

I nodded, "Okay, mam," I replied, absorbing the information.  and turned to chitra and aradhya, "So, what's the plan now?" i asked.

chitra shrugged, "ghar chalo, aur kya?" 'go home, what else?'

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Chitra, terko ghar ke alawa bhi kuch soojhta hai?" 'Chitra, can you think of anything other than going home?' I spoke.

Chitra shrugged, "NAHI! anyways tu bata fir, kya karna hai?" 'NO! anyways, you tell then, what else should we do?' she asked.

I pretended to ponder for a moment, then exclaimed dramatically, "Ice cream! Hum ice cream khayenge phle!" 'Ice cream! Let's have ice cream first!'

Both of us looked at Aradhya, who nodded, "Yep, let's go!"

Chitra asked Aradhya while walking, "Vaise tera bhai ka naam kya hai?" 'By the way, what's your brother's name?'

Aradhya replied, "Eshan, he is actually my cousin brother." and chitra nodded.

 Eshan? Acha, toh that's his name. I mean, yeah, that name... it suits him. but it's not like I'm going to remember it or anything. But anyways icecream is more important right now.

We entered the bustling ice cream parlor, the aroma of freshly made waffle cones wafting through the air. Chitra and Aradhya were discussing their majors and interests, while I was lost in my own thoughts.

"kashu, you want your usual?" Chitra asked boringly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I glanced at the menu board, scanning for something new but still went for my favourite. "Hmm I'll go for chocolate chip only," I replied, finally deciding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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