PSA - Cyberbullying

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A young boy in his school uniform, Tyler, (10) walks into his home. He calls out to his family.

TYLER: (calls out) I'm home!

Tyler takes his shoes off and goes to see his Mum and Dad (in their 40s) in the kitchen. His Mum is making dinner and his Dad is reading his newspaper when they notice him.

MUM: Hey, sweetheart! How was your day?

DAD: Did you have good lessons today, son?

TYLER: Yep! In my English lesson, we learned how to write adventure stories. In my Maths lesson, we learned about multiplication facts in the 9 times tables. And in my Music lesson, we learned how to sing One Last Time by Ariana Grande!

MUM: Wow, it looks like you had a fun day at school today! Oh, and by the way, I got a call from a teacher saying that you helped one of the students learn how to play basketball! For that, I think I’ll allow you time to go on your computer before dinner!

TYLER: Yes! Thanks, Mum!

Tyler runs up to his bedroom, takes his uniform off, goes into his Pikachu onesie and goes on his computer. He turns his computer on and logs into his favourite website, DailyChatSwap, to see who’s chatting with him today. Today, it’s a user called CharlieBunker2347. He texts him: “Hey, bud. How are you doin?” The user is online and he texts back: “I was doing fine until I learned that YOU were my latest user! I hope you die in hell, you piece of shit!” Tyler reads the message, gets upset by this, is about to go downstairs and tell his parents when another text pulls up. It says: “If you ever tell anyone about what I said to you, you’re as good as dead!”

TYLER: (sighs) I can’t get rid of my cyberbully…(looks at the audience) but you can!

NARRATOR: Cyberbullying is the act of using digital technologies to harm, demean, or cause pain to others. It occurs through platforms like social media, messaging apps, gaming networks, and mobile phones. The behaviour is repeated and aims to scare, anger, or shame the targeted individuals. Examples include spreading lies about someone, posting embarrassing photos, sending hurtful messages, or impersonating others online. Remember that cyberbullying leaves a digital footprint, which can be used as evidence to stop the abuse. If you’re experiencing cyberbullying, seek help from trusted adults or helplines in your country. Stay safe online!

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