PSA On Animal Abuse

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NARRATOR 1: Have you ever owned a pet? Do you treat animals with kindness and respect? Is it inconceivable to you that anyone in the world would intentionally harm an innocent creature?

NARRATOR 2: Consider this sobering statistic: each year, thousands of animals in the United States of America suffer from beatings, abuse, and even fatal harm. In 2007 alone, there were over 1,500 documented cases involving cats, dogs, and other innocent creatures.

NARRATOR 3: What leads to animal abuse, you inquire? Often, individuals mistreat animals due to personal hardships they face. These innocent creatures become targets precisely because they lack a voice to advocate for themselves.

NARRATOR 4: Wondering how you can make a difference? Let’s kickstart a local community dedicated to raising awareness about animal cruelty. Additionally, consider visiting animal shelters like American Humane to discover ways you can actively contribute to altering the distressing statistics of animal mistreatment. Together, we can…

ALL NARRATORS: Protect all animals and apprehend anyone who mistreats them!

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