Chapter 40 - Ryan

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A blue eyed squib sat in what was his home, or at least had been for the last few years. He had a glass of milk in his hand that he had nearly finished. He was in his bedroom, a TV in the corner of the room on top of a night stand, pictures of himself and his sister scattered the room. He finished his milk and with a sigh he went downstairs, he placed it in the kitchen before he entered the living room. He wasn't surprised by the sight in front of him.

Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Mad-eye Moody were standing in the room, as if they were waiting for him.

"No, just come in" Ryan said sarcastically "help yourselves, to everything in the house. Thanks for not knocking like regular people"

"Hey, I said we should knock" Tonks objected

"Brains and beauty, congratulations" Ryan winked at Tonks "do you have a husband?"





"Definitely not"

"I'm single" Ryan pointed out with a grin

"I'm older"

"Age is just a number...or a word? I'm not quite sure about that"

"Enough" Mad-eye interrupted "we've been sent here to talk to you under order from..."

"Albus Dumbledore, I know" Ryan cut him off, loving their surprised faces "hey, just because I'm a squib, doesn't mean people don't write to me, nor does it mean I can't read a newspaper"

"We need to know what information you have on Harry Potter" Kingsley spoke next

"Harry Potter?" Ryan laughed "I'll tell you exactly what I know about Harry Potter, he is the most stubborn man you'll ever meet. He is the most dangerous man you'll ever meet, if I was you...I'd stay out of his way. Of course, if I was also the pretty one then I would go out with the handsome squib in front of her"

"Really? You're flirting with me?" Tonks raised an eyebrow at him

"Flirting seemed better than just dragging you straight up to my bedroom, although that's also an option if you want" Ryan said hopefully

"Enough, you're coming with us" Moody pulled out his wand

" I?" An amused Ryan smiled

"Sorry kid, just following orders" Moody said apologetically before he fired a stunner at Ryan, the ex-auror was very surprised when Ryan calmly side stepped.

"Remember" Ryan grinned "you may be auror trained, but I had two teachers. Both capable of running rings around the aurors and one of them was Harry Potter"

"No offense to you...but we're three magic users and you are a squib" Tonks pointed out, although she kind of felt racist now

"That's racist" Ryan responded, not really helping Tonks "either way, I wouldn't underestimate me. After all, you three underestimated Harry, so did your little order, how's that going by the way?"

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