Chapter 22 - Family time, brother talk

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Lily and James had arrived at Grimmauld place, they were released from hospital and were going to stay with Sirius until they got a new house. Harry and Sirius were also there, even Adrian was there. Harry guessed that the headmaster let him come so he could learn more information from him.

Lily and James were only recently released from hospital, Harry and Adrian were given permission to stay away from school for a few extra weeks to stay with their parents.

They were all lead to the kitchen were they all took a seat, apart from Harry who walked over to his mother's side and knelt down next to her.

"Mum" Harry spoke softly "would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"No, thank you sweetie" Lily politely refused

"Are you sure?" Harry asked

"Definitely, just relax Harry. You don't have to look after us"

"Yeah" James nodded "we're quite grown up"

"Physically maybe" Harry replied "I've noticed you're getting a few wrinkles dad"

"What?!" James immediately jumped for the first reflective surface he could find. When he heard the sounds of laughter "Oh, it's like that is it? Pranking your old man? Pranking a marauder?"

"That wasn't as much of a prank as it was a small lie and a giant over reaction on your part"

"It was pretty funny Prongs" Sirius chuckled "though, now that we're here we may as well have lunch"

"Does this place have any house elves?" Adrian asked

"Two so far" Harry replied as he stood up "Dobby, Kreatcher" he called and the two elves and they popped in.

"Master is calling Dobby?" Dobby asked

"Mudbloods and blood traitors and…" Kreatcher said as he looked at the guest

"Kreatcher!" Harry snapped "If you dare to insult my mother and father again then I will rip off your ears and make you eat them."

"Kreatcher is…sorry master" Kreatcher bowed his head

"Good, now Dobby I want you to make us all some food"

"Yes master Harry" Dobby nodded and began making food

"Kreatcher" Harry turned to the old elf "I want you to prepare two more rooms. One for my mother and for my father father with a king-sized bed and the third for the prat"

"Hey!" Adrian exclaimed

"And the rooms had better be worthy of royalty, understood?" Harry continued as if he hadn't heard Adrian

"Yes master" Kreatcher nodded and popped away. Harry turned and found Lily and James looking at him

"Wow" James said slowly "that was….something"

"I know" Sirius nodded "Kreatcher has never been so well behaved since Harry got here, he has the elf wrapped around his little finger"

"Harry" A soft voice spoke from the doorway

"Hey Rose" Harry took a few paces and let the shy girl walk to him, Rose gently pulled him into a hug which Harry returned "Rose, meet my parents" Harry let her go and gestured to Lily and James "that's dad, I get my looks and quidditch skills from him. That's mum, I get my eyes and brains from her. Mum, dad, this is Rose Flight. She's basically my sister in all but blood"

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