Chapter 38 - Duel, escape

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"Gather around" Snape said as he entered the Slytherin common room "tomorrow after breakfast, an event organised by the headmaster will take place in the great hall. The headmaster has organised a duelling event, it will consist of a series of exhibition matches. Anyone may attend, however only those in fifth year or above may participate.

In this event, you may challenge anyone you wish to a duel, providing that person is also fifth year and above. This event will allow you to prove your duelling abilities, not just to this house but to the rest of the school. If you wish to compete then do so, however if you do then I expect you not to make a mockery of this noble house." With his speech over, Snape turned and walked out

"Harry" Astoria spoke "are you going to participate?"

Everyone was quiet, waiting to hear if the defeater of the worst dark lord in history was going to participate. On one hand there would be no doubt that Slytherin had the best duellist in the school, on the other hand, it was more than likely someone was going to get injured or worse.

"Only if someone challenges me" Harry replied "I never back down from a challenge. But otherwise, I'll probably just watch"

"Shame" Daphne said as she leaned into whisper something into his ear "you always look so hot when you duel" Harry couldn't help the shiver that went down his spine, now he was rather hoping that somebody would challenge him

The next day, Harry and everyone else found themselves sitting in the great hall. The tables had all been replaced with chairs and in the centre of the hall was a duelling platform that nearly reached from the teachers table to the door. It was decided that, as a former duelling champion, Flitwick would be in charge of refereeing for the duel. By each wall was a red box, if a someone wanted to challenge someone else then they would write their own name and that persons name on a piece of paper and put it in, they would then be read out.

There were a great many duels, some within their own houses while some where between houses. It didn't really impress Harry much, though he usually fought to kill or not be killed, so his standards were a little high. He supposed that considering the age of the participants, the rules of the duel and the training they all had, that this was pretty good.

"Next" Flitwick read from a sheet of paper "Ronald Weasley challenges...Adrian Potter!"

"Really?" Adrian sighed

"Good luck babe" Rachel kissed him on the cheek as he stood up and joined Ron in the middle of the platform. They both held their wands in front of their face.

"Scared Potter?" Ron smirked

"You wish" Adrian responded

"I'm going to humiliate you" Ron promised

"You'd know all about humiliation" Adrian replied "after all, you're the main source of it for your family" Ron turned red as many people 'oohed' and gasped at Adrian's words.

"I've taught him well!" Harry said proudly as he crossed his arms and leaned back to watch the duel.

Adrian and Ron lowered their wands, they turned away from each other and took ten paces away from each other then turned again so they would face each other. Both took their duelling stances.

"On the count of three, you may begin" Flitwick said "One...two...three!"

"Expelliarmus!" Ron fired the first spell, unfortunately for him, Adrian ducked under it. "Rictusempra" Adrian dodged the next spell "Confundus"

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