Chapter 33 - Blood quil

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"Mr Potter" Snape said as he was surprised to see his star Slytherin enter his office "what are you doing here?"

"I…may have been intentionally irritating Umbridge and she kicked me out of class" Harry admitted

"Why were you intentionally irritating Umbridge? Not that I don't understand the temptation, but you usually try to keep out of trouble"

"Sir, anyone with brain cells and five seconds could see that Umbitch is here because of the minister" Harry said, Snape either didn't notice that he referred to Umbridge as 'Umbitch' or he didn't care, probably the second one "she's here because of me. She and the minister see me as a threat, and I've quite frankly ran out of the patience to deal with idiots. Voldy is going to make his move some time soon, so is Red. I need an outlet and I can't think of anything better than that."

"Hmm" Snape was in deep thought for a few moments before he let out a sigh "just try and keep it legal"

"Lovely, by the way, I have another concern I wanted to talk to you about"

"What is that?"

"Well, it's not so much of a concern as it is an annoyance." Harry replied "Draco Malfoy, despite all that's happened is still trying to bother me and Daphne. As I've said before, I no longer have the effort to deal with idiots like him. With Voldemort and his devil spawn lurking about, I have better things to do than play with the little dragon. I'm asking you if you could settle him down, because if he doesn't then I may have to."

"That idiotic boy" Snape shook his head in exasperation "fine, I shall have a talk with him tomorrow" after class"

"Why tomorrow after class?" Harry asked curiously

"Well Potter, first I have to make several potions for Pomfrey. Also, there is a meeting tonight" He said in a voice that was barely above a whisper

"Bird or snake?"

"Snake" Snape replied

"I assume the bird one is tomorrow"

"Yes, I will attend it after I have my talk with Malfoy"

"Hmm, funnily enough Dumbledore never told me about it despite our agreement where I would attend all meetings"

"Maybe he planned to tell you before the meeting?"

"Unlikely but perhaps you could tell me where it is, you know, 'just in case he forgets'."

"In your godfathers house" Snape whispered "And you didn't hear this from me, understood?"

"Yep" Harry smiled "now if you'll excuse me, I'm off"

"Where are you going?" Snape asked

"To her office, the toad said I had to go to you, she didn't say what I had to do after that" Harry grinned and made his way to her office "but, obviously, you didn't know that I was going to her office"

"Obviously" Snape smirked as he saw Potter leave, he shook his head in amusement "heaven help the toad, she's going to bloody need it"

Harry snuck into Umbridge's office, years of living on the streets had taught him that it was always a good idea to be on familiar ground. And if he was going to do her detention then he was going to be familiar with the environment. He looked around the room, Umbridge had decided to colour the entire bloody thing pink and cover it with moving cat pictures.

CONSEQUENCE  The boy who survived Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum