1.01: Major League Butt-Kickers

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Much more than just a series of small, isolated incidents, it was apparent that an organized criminal element was at work. And at that moment, business was good.

So good that there appeared to have been no eyewitnesses to any of these crimes. With complaints ranging from purse-snatching to breaking-and-entering, police switchboards were swamped with the angry voices of more and more citizens who have fallen prey to the recent surge of crime that continued to plague New York City.

Instead of getting better, things had actually gotten worse. Even more alarming were the baffling and often bizarre nature of these crimes. Merchandise of every size and description, from skateboards to stereo systems, had been disappearing from store shelves and storage areas at an alarming rate.

Even the victims themselves rarely caught a glimpse of the thieves. Many didn't even know they were victimized until it was too late. Police had not yet come up with a single eyewitness. Only a few vague reports of young boys or teenagers at the scenes were filed.

But whoever was behind these crimes, one thing was certain. These were much more than just a series of random isolated incidents.

Crimes without criminals? An invisible gang at work? Who were they gonna call?

Unfortunately, the police were the only ones available to combat what some were already dubbing "The Silent Crime Wave." But perhaps the most disturbing silence was that coming from city hall.

It was this report that got April O'Neil, a reporter for Channel 3 Eyewitness News, in trouble.

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"You gotta stop working so hard, April," the security guard at the front desk said as April left work one night.

"What, and give up all this glamor?" April asked with a laugh as she left.

April was a beautiful woman, with frizzy bronze-colored red hair, fair skin, and light freckles on her face. Over her outfit, she wore a yellow rain slicker with her purse draped over her shoulder.

Walking behind the studio, April heard squeaking and wheeled around. Right behind her was a rat. Gasping, she jumped onto higher ground. April hated rats, they always gave her the heebie-jeebies.

Once the rodent had left, April sighed as she continued towards her van, an ancient Volkswagen, when she saw them. Four teenage boys were robbing Channel 3's truck but stopped when they saw her.

"Bad timing," the leader of the delinquents said.

"You're telling me," April agreed.

"Get her purse," the leader said as April tried to run. The guy on top of the van jumped down on top of her and tackled her to the asphalt.

"Get away from me!" April screamed. "What do you think... Help!"

As the mugging continued, something spun through the air and struck the light, causing the alleyway to go dark. Quick footsteps echoed through the darkness, followed by grunting and the sounds of blows being landed.

"Whoa!" a young voice said.

A police siren blared as the cruiser pulled into the alleyway. What April saw was impossible. The boys who jumped her, who had black eyes and bloody noses, were tied up.

"What the hell's going on?" one of the officers asked. "Thought I'd seen it all."

Unknown to anyone in the upper world, the manhole cover that was right in the alleyway slowly lifted an inch, revealing a pair of eyes.

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