Diary 2

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As I began recounting the tale of how I came to know my new friends in the vibrant city of Batangas, where I am presently pursuing my studies, I delved into the serendipitous nature of our meeting. Initially, my social circle was limited to just four close companions - Aly, Kayla, Allen, and Rhams. Our bond was forged through seemingly random encounters that eventually led to a cherished friendship. We aptly dubbed ourselves 'CINCO.' This moniker stemmed from a peculiar incident at a food cart named Cinco Marias, where Rhams inadvertently collided with the cart's roof. Little did we know that this amusing mishap would serve as the cornerstone of our camaraderie, symbolizing the unique and unexpected ways in which friendships can blossom.

Back then, we were merely BS Accountancy students, navigating the challenges of our first year in college. Our tight-knit group expanded when two individuals, Kimmy and Jommel, joined our circle. Interestingly, they were both ROTC officers, adding a unique dynamic to our eclectic mix of personalities. It was during our collaborative effort to create vlogs for our Filipino 1 course at Shercon Resort that our bonds deepened. Those shared experiences and the laughter we shared during those filming sessions created lasting memories that are etched vividly in my mind. It was in those moments of camaraderie and shared creativity that our friendships were truly solidified, shaping our college experience in ways we could have never imagined.

Through both highs and lows, our unwavering support for one another remained steadfast, becoming the cornerstone of our friendship. What I cherish most about my friends is their consistent presence during times of joy and sorrow alike. It's remarkable how they have a knack for making me feel like a cherished member of their family, despite our lack of blood relation. The bond we share transcends mere friendship, evolving into a deep sense of kinship that brings warmth and comfort to my heart. In their company, I find a sense of belonging and acceptance that is truly priceless, enriching my life in ways I could never have imagined.

All I can say is that they are the best thing that has happened to me. Having them is the best treasure I've found here in Batangas, and it's something I don't want to share with anyone. Hehehe.

Diary of Llaine's Life Where stories live. Discover now