Diary 6

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The first day of school brought with it the challenge of facing new classmates and getting to know them. Life felt somewhat mundane, and Aly and I were at a loss for what to do.

On the first day, an orientation was scheduled, but we decided to attend briefly before leaving. As we attempted to exit the school premises, we encountered some officers guarding the gates. Luckily, a familiar face came to our rescue – one of the ROTC officers whom we knew. Thanks to his intervention, we managed to slip past the other watchful eyes and make it to the orientation for the CAS departments. It was a close call, hehehe.

After skipping the orientation, we headed to our favorite spot where we usually bought snacks when hunger struck. There, we ran into our dear friend Allen, who graciously treated us to some juice and street foods. While enjoying our snacks, we engaged in light conversation, shared laughter, and indulged in some girl talk.

Engrossed in our chitchats, we nearly lost track of time. Eventually, we decided to head home, cherishing the memories we had created together. Despite the absence of Rhams and Kayla, who couldn't make it due to their respective commitments – Rhams fulfilling his new duties and Kayla transferring to a new school – our time spent together remained unforgettable. The laughter, conversations, and camaraderie we shared that day forged a bond that transcended physical presence. Though not everyone was there, the memories we made lingered, etching a lasting impression of friendship and unity in our hearts.

After our bonding, we headed home. As I arrived home, I chatted and called my friends, Wanda and MJ. We spent a lot of time chatting late into the night, almost forgetting about our classes the next day. Haha! I truly love talking to them; it's so heartwarming to have them in my life. The connections we share and the laughter we exchange make every moment special. Despite the busy schedules and demands of daily life, our friendship remains a source of joy and comfort. These late-night conversations are not just a pastime but a cherished part of my routine, bringing light and happiness to each day. I am grateful for the bond we share and the memories we create together.

Diary of Llaine's Life Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora