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*Sometimes we need fantasy to survive the reality.*

Yoongi could hear Jimin's footsteps creeping into the bathroom, and as he drew nearer, he could sense the warmth radiating from him. It felt comforting, but Yoongi couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. Then, Jimin's warm hands wrapped around Yoongi's waist and stomach from behind, soothing his racing heart. Yoongi's breath hitched for a moment before steadying.

"Hyung, you alright?" Jimin's voice was laced with concern as he reached out, his hand disappearing into Yoongi's grasp.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just haven't been hit this hard by booze in ages. I'll snap out of it soon," Yoongi reassured him, his fingers gently tracing patterns on Jimin's hand resting on his stomach.

As Jimin peered at Yoongi's reflection in the mirror, he leaned in, resting his chin on Yoongi's shoulder, and gently brushed his cheek against Yoongi's neck. He knew he was getting hooked on the contact, but he couldn't help himself.

When Yoongi caught sight of Jimin's reflection in the mirror, he was struck by the image of Jimin as a delicate cherry blossom caressing his skin. Jimin was never simple or plain to Yoongi; he was always a complex, beautiful mess.

In that moment, it felt like Jimin transformed into thousand leaves and rained down on him like cherry blossoms, overwhelming Yoongi. How could he possibly contain all of Jimin's beauty? How could he love every part of Jimin all at once?

Turning to Jimin, Yoongi enveloped him in a tight embrace, his large hands cradling Jimin's neck and cheeks. Jimin was like a fragile flower in Yoongi's hands, the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

They locked eyes for a beat, not giving a damn about the weird vibe in the room. Yoongi's mind was already racing with thoughts, knowing he had to catch up with Namjoon ASAP. But then he realized some things couldn't wait, so he spoke up, maybe to make it crystal clear to Jimin that he was everything to him.

"I wrote lyrics for you," he murmured, his chest fluttering, his husky voice bouncing off the bathroom walls and sending Jimin's stomach into a frenzy of butterflies.

"You did?" Jimin met his gaze, his curiosity piqued.

"Yeah..." Yoongi's thumbs caressed the skin under Jimin's eyes and along his cheekbones.

The tips of Jimin's eyelashes brushed the tips of Yoongi's thumbs. Their closeness was electric, sending shivers down Yoongi's spine. Those soft touches, more than any physical contact Jimin made, left Yoongi breathless.

He couldn't bear the thought of anyone else touching Jimin like this. If it happened, it would crush him, maybe even make him tear up or punch the walls. Jimin was too precious to him, and even though Yoongi sometimes feared he'd inadvertently hurt him, he couldn't stand the idea of anyone else having that power over him.

"Yeah... a bunch," Yoongi confessed, his voice trailing off.

"I wrote many lyrics for you. For you, for your sake, alluding to you, in your name.." he elaborated, his words dripping with emotion.

Jimin's eyes lit up, and Yoongi brushed his hair away from his forehead, resisting the urge to plant kisses all over him. He didn't want to taint Jimin with the taste of alcohol on his lips. Yet, his gaze lingered on Jimin's lips, as it always did. It was hard for him to tear his eyes away from them, even though he knew he should. How could he not look?

Taking a deep breath, Jimin met Yoongi's gaze, and Yoongi felt a pang of jealousy toward the air passing through Jimin's lips.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Jimin's eyes wandered back to Yoongi's.

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