We... Are finally back... - CHAPTER 7 -

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As promised, Chapter 7 is here. (I might as well, update the other chapters + the book cover thingy.)

After several hours of hard work, P!Turret and the Engineer have finally managed to fix the machine. They worked tirelessly to locate the problem and find a solution to it. It was a challenging task, but they persevered and eventually succeeded. The machine is now fully functional and ready to be used again. P!Turret and Engineer's dedication and expertise have paid off, and they can now rest easy knowing that they have accomplished their goal.

A few hours later...

After completing their mission, the commander and the team returned to the Base. As they arrived, they were eager to share their findings. Some of the news was positive, indicating progress towards their goal, while others were less favorable, highlighting challenges that needed to be addressed. Despite the mix of good and bad news, the team was determined to work together to overcome obstacles and achieve their ultimate objective.

Commander was crying inconsolably after witnessing the deaths of Paintballer and Soldier at their hands. Despite the efforts of the other towers to comfort him, he remained inconsolable.

"Not even Medic could save them both... I hope they are safe in another place together..."

Commander went to his room, just resting for all the things he had seen. As DJ opened the door, he went to confront Commander.

"DJ...? What are you doing here...? Get out, please... I need a rest..." The Commander carefully draped a soft blanket over his face, the weight of his remorse heavy upon him. He had come to the realization that the two best friends were his most valuable treasures, and he had failed to protect them. The gravity of his responsibility weighed heavily on his heart, and he couldn't help but feel as if he had let them down. Although the comforting fabric of the blanket provided a sense of solace, it could not alleviate the pain he felt inside. As such, he resolved to rectify his mistakes and ensure that he would never again fail to protect those he cherished.

DJ noticed Commander looking distressed, so he approached him with a sympathetic expression and outstretched arms. DJ knew that sometimes, a comforting hug could work wonders for someone who was feeling low. He gently wrapped his arms around Commander, holding him tightly and offering him a moment of refuge from whatever was troubling him.

However, Commander's response was unexpected. He stiffened and pulled away from DJ's embrace, indicating that he didn't want to be hugged. DJ was taken aback by the rejection, but he respected Commander's wishes. He asked if there was anything he could do to help, but Commander simply shook his head, indicating that he needed some time alone to process his emotions. DJ nodded understandingly and gave Commander some space, hoping that he would feel better soon.

As DJ left the room, Commander decided to rest for a while...


He can't see anything but white. It's as if everything around him is completely blanketed in a pure white color.

As he looks around, something feels off. He can't quite put his finger on it, but he begins to suspect he might be hallucinating. The world around him seems surreal and dreamlike. But before he can fully process his thoughts, two figures suddenly materialize right in front of him. He blinks, thinking it might be a trick of his imagination, but they remain there, solid and real.

It was... Soldier and Paintballer. As Commander approached them, he could see the two familiar figures standing and waiting for him. His heart raced with excitement and anticipation as he quickened his pace towards them. The closer he got, the wider his smile became until he was finally close enough to embrace them both. They had been waiting patiently for his arrival, and the joy of their reunion was palpable in the warmth of their embrace. As they hugged, Commander knew that this moment would be etched in his memory forever.

A Defensive Simulation. // A TDS Story.Where stories live. Discover now