「Weekend Activities」 - 4 -// PART 1

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Hello peeps, sorry for like disappearing for some reason because I forgot this story existed. Anyways... Enjoy this activity with the towers! (Ill explain more at the end.)


Saturday, at 10:00 am.

Everyone wakes up at 9:00 while the others woke up late, some were excited for the activities that they are gonna do.

-The towers rooms-

Paintballer jumped off in his bed before Sniper, he suddenly jumped into snipers chest, making sniper scream in pain.


"HAHA- OW! WHAT THE FUCK SNIPER!" As Paintballer sobs as his arm was hurting so badly because of Snipers punch.

"Ay... AY I DIDN'T MEAN TO PUNCH YOU THAT HARD! YOU JUMPED ME TOO HARD SO THAT ISN'T MY FAULT!" Sniper tried to explain but Paintballer cried in pain. It was too painful so they both had to go to medics room to find her.

9:30 AM.

Everyone got downstairs for breakfast, Sniper, Paintballer and Medic were missing or just late for breakfast. If they were late, they wouldn't even attend the activities. Gladly they got in time while Paintballer has his arm wounded.

"Hey! Paintballer! What happened to your arm? Is everything okay?!" Commander was concerned about Paintballer.

"S-Sniper fucking punched me while I didn't mean to jump him because I was excited for this upcoming activities..." Paintballer hesitated.

"You fucking snitch...!"

"Sniper.... WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING LIKE THA-" DJ immediately pulls Commanders hand and calmed him down before punching Sniper.

"Com! Calm down. Remember we are doing weekend activities right?! We don't want anyone to be hurt here! Paintballer looks okay but needs another activity that is safe for his arm."

"Right... Next time if you hurt Paintballer or other of the towers, you'll taste my punch."

"Yes com... I wont do that again..." Sniper quickly goes to the bathroom.

10:00AM - The start of the activity

Everyone's outside of the base, they were prepared for the activities while Paintballer sits there and waits for a activity that cannot hurt his arm. While everyone is stretching and even doing push-ups while waiting. Militant is just watching some videos while waiting.

"Alright, is everyone ready for the first activity? I hope you can dodge with this."

"I can even just dodge! IM FAST AS FUCK BOII-" Sniper suddenly tripped while the towers were laughing out loud. "HEY! DON'T LAUGH AT ME LIKE THAT!"

"Anyways Sniper. Our first activity is dodgeball! Forgive me if I can't think of another activity."




What is Dodgeball?

Dodgeball is a team sport in which players on two opposing teams try to throw balls and hit opponents while avoiding being hit themselves.


"We are gonna split you into two teams, give your team a name and plan out. Understand everyone?"

"Yes Commander!" Everyone shouted.

"Make sure to not throw the balls too far from the outside, or the balls will be lost."

- Separating the team - (I'm lazy to put everything on what team they are)

As Commander whistled, the game starts. Everyone was in their spots. The sounds of laughing and everything seems so joyful to Commander as he smiled a bit.

One person who got eliminated first was Ranger, he was just standing there and suddenly, Sniper aimed at him.

"Okay, thanks Sniper... I guess...." As he sits down feeling embarrassed as the first one to get eliminated in the game.

"Nice one Ranger, but at least move a little so you cant get hurt by Sniper." As Commander giggled.

"S-Shut up Commander!" Ranger stays on the chair while reading a book.

"Alright everyone! Keep throwing and dodging the balls! Don't stop until there's only some of you remaining on your group."

Everyone was having fun, except for the two, Paintballer and Ranger, they were not really skilled at those games but for paintballer, he loves to paint everywhere but not in sports plus. He is injured. Ranger is still sitting and Reading his favorite book, no wonder why he loves reading books instead of playing.

Two got eliminated 2 minutes ago, It was Soldier and Scout. (They are not on the same team.) They both fist bumped and sat there together while doing rock paper scissors.

"How is the Dodgeball you two?" Paintballer asked.

"Eh, even though Me and Soldier are in another team, at least we both got eliminated together." As Scout laughed while Soldier laughed back too.

"I don't care about these activities, Commander is holding me at gunpoint." Ranger whispered at the three.


As time went on, people keep getting eliminated by their throwing speeds at the balls, until, there was two left per team. They keep throwing and throwing the balls until, one was left on one team. WHICH IS MINIGUNNER! Congratulations, you can have 2 days of food for your price.


"Alright everyone, take a rest for 5 minutes and we will continue the activities." As Commander sat down and drank his water.


"And for that minigunner, you only have 1 day. Take it or leave it."

"Commander... Whyyyyyyyyyyy-"

"Don't you dare to be toxic to anyone, understand?"

"Fine Commander... I'm sorry....."


That's the end of part 1 lads, part 2 and 3 coming up soon and im lazyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry lads. im just really lazy and forgot this story or whatever but. HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! (again, sorry for not publishing stuff. sobs.)

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