Chapter 3

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When you've lived in a place for over eight years, you think you know it inside out.

Well, wrong thought.

Two guards intercepted me at the exit of the cafeteria and are now leading me through secret doors and corridors that I didn't even suspect existed.

But how are you supposed to know that, if you press the painting up on the third floor at the right corner, it swings open like the paintings in Harry Potter and behind the picture are even more corridors and doors!

I'm almost a bit offended that I didn't know anything about it,
I mean, this is my home.

I was about to ask the guard on my left what he had done to get this secret CIA post when they abruptly stopped in front of a huge, really, really HUGE, oak door.

I had to til my head back to see the top. (Speaking of Harry Potter)
This door could be compared very well with the door to the large hall. I wouldn't be surprised if there were four tables of the same length lined up behind the door, where a few wizard kids ate far too delicious-looking food.

A deafening squeak echoed off the walls that took me out of my imagination, and then, as if in slow motion, the huge door opened. And behind them, unfortunately, were no cool wizard kids, but dozens of people dressed in grey suits that I have never seen before.

They type things in the computers in front of them and don't pay attention to us at all.

But that wasn't even what made me falter.

The thing that just caused me to stand with my mouth open in a crowd of strangers was

my face...

My face, which was staring at me from a huge monitor that took up almost the entire stone wall. Next to the picture of me, were all my private information listed, from my name and which sector I live in, to my shoe size and favorite food.

I turn to the guards who had brought me here to ask them what the hell was going on, but they didn't care about me anymore.
They were just engrossed in a conversation with four of the suit men and disappeared shortly afterwards, together with them to one of the desks so that I was now all alone in the middle of the room. And I didn't understand anything anymore.

'Welcome, Jacky.'

I went round in circles confused when suddenly someone said my name, but I didn't see anyone talking to me, instead I looked at one of the suit men (the only one looking at me) pointing his finger lightly at a door in the wall that I hadn't noticed before.

Out of the door steps a young man, he couldn't be much older than me. He has short blond hair and slightly tanned skin. He wears a bright red suit, which is in complete contrast to the suit men, who all wear only gray suits. Should he be our boss? Was he the man about whom one only heard legends?

His dark green eyes met mine, and they seemed to try and look right into my innermost being.

Goosebumps ran through me at his iron gaze. It seemed as if he didn't even blink as he tried to memorize every detail of me.
All of a sudden, I feel pretty out of place with my simple jeans and tan-top, and my hair still tied up in a messy bun.

After what felt like an eternity, he seemed to step up to me and held out his hand to me, which I took perplexed.

'I'm sure you're wondering why I ordered you here, Jacky?'

'Um... yes,I do, to be honest. Sir.'

Now, the young man in front of me is smiling, but it seems slightly tense.

'Please, call me Hudson Jacky. What we have to discuss is unpleasant enough, so we should put aside the formalities.'

I tense, that doesn't sound good at all. I clear my throat

'I understand... What do you want to discuss with me? Does it have anything to do with today's order?'

After i said that, he just looked at me for a long time until he sighed loudly at some point. -
Simply answering my questions with another question.

'Jacky, what do you think the world would look like if The Natural Disasters had never happened?-
You don't have to answer the question out loud, Jacky, I just want you to think about it for a moment'

My thoughts immediately wandered to my parents. I wondered every day what it would be like if they were still here.
After a long moment of silence, hudson says something that makes my heart beat faster.

'Jacky... what if I told you that there was a way to undo everything.'

... 'As if the catastrophes had never even happened....'

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