Chapter 1

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I love the feeling of falling.

Nothing seems to matter at that moment. Every decision I ever made and every tear I've ever shed seems so unimportant, as I race closer and closer to certain death, with every second that passes.

How would it feel like?

The moment when my head touches the ground and the top of my skull bursts open. Would it go quick?
Or would I feel every broken bone in my body before Death would be so merciful to finally take me to hell.

A sharp stabbing in the abdomen pulled me back to the present as the seat belt around my waist clicks into place with a loud noise, and I come to a stop in mid-air three meters above the ground.
I suppress a moan...that will give bruises.

I turn my head towards the sky, where Nash sticks his head out of the helicopter to make sure that I haven't hit the asphalt like a flattened pancake.
This asshole, let me fall for so long on purpose! And all of this just because I ate the last muffin.

I rolled my eyes when Nash jumped out of the helicopter himself with a cheering roar. And came to a stop much more elegantly than me, one meter above me.

'Nash! This is a secret operation. The rebels aren't supposed to hear us coming from three hundred meters away!' I scream-Yell at him.

He rolls his eyes at me.

'Relax, we don't need any surprises. We just scare them a little bit, and bang-'
Nash snaps his fingers.
'They will start running to their mommy's, crying with their pants full of shit.'

I don't reply

instead, I undo the strap around my waist and let myself fall the last three meters to the ground until I crouch down just in time so that I don't tear a ligament on impact.

Immediately, I draw my gun and run with two quick steps to the next factore building.
Or rather what was left of it.
The glass splinters crunched under my soles, which came from the smashed windows.

This area was completely uninhabited.

Grafitti was all over the walls, and Ivy grew from everywhere.
All in all, it looked like there was a zombie apocalypse ten years ago.

But that was nothing new for me.
Because by now It looked like this almost everywhere in the world.

I don't know the last time I entered a shop or a cinema.
I can hardly remember what colors sunflowers were or what the sky looked like during the day. Every day is almost as dark here as the night. Simply because the sun has a hard time shining through the tick black smoke in the sky.

There has been no such thing as summer or winter for a long time.
Our temperature got stock somewhere around five degrees.-

'Jacky! We have no time for daydreaming, common lets go.'

Nash said, while walking past me, and I stay close behind him to give him fire protection if necessary.

We run like this for two minutes with our gun raised, through the dense grass, past large chunks of stone from the broken buildings that are scattered all over the ground.

Until Nash stops so abruptly that I almost stab him in the back with the barrelof of my pistol.
Although he probably wouldn't have even felt that, after all, his whole body is made up of 99% muscles.
And along with his brown hair and dark tan, he doesn't look bad.

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