Chapter 2

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 I'm not too surprised that the rebel Celia, before me, is actually one of us.

After all, no petty criminal would have managed to almost escape me without hard, military training.

Still, it gives me a little sting.

In our sections in the government, we are obliged to trust each other blindly. But people are slowly no longer seeing any reason to trust us.

They think that the world is already at the end anyway and therefore there is no longer any reason to stick to rules, such as rationing our food, because there are no more farmers to produce new food ower the time.
We now live only on rations or chemically contaminated food.
And if people continue to act without logical thinking about the future

there won't be a future for us, or our children


I'm waiting outside the medical compartment for Nash, who has just brought the young woman here, whom he took care of during the time I was chasing the rebel.

He managed to stop the bleeding, which in the end saved her live.
And now she only has to rest for a few days.

In the meantime, Celia has been handed over to the government.
By now, it has happened so often that our own people stand against us, that I know what their punishment will be.

She will be suspended.

Without shelter, without regulated food, without money.
And then she will quickly realize that it wasn't so bad with our section after all.

However, the traitors are never readmitted to the government.

It is simply impossible for us, even if we wanted to.
Because our whole education, our whole operation, serves to try and protect the earth with its last resources.

And that doesn't work if we can't trust each other. We have too many enemies for that,
who think that we should just live the last few years and "Fuck" everything else.

"Fuck" our children, who will then no longer be able to live a life on this earth after us.

"Fuck" that we're all going to starve to death because we're too lazy to grow food ourselves.

But ey,
the main thing is to enjoy the last 10 years without worries Yayy....

A hand on my shoulder makes me spin around so violently that I'm sure I'll have neck pain from it the next morning.

Nash stands in front of me and looks at me impatiently.

'Jackyyyy, I'm starving, common!'

He doesn't even wait for an answer from me, but simply drags me behind him by the arm. So that I literally have to run behind him to keep up with his large steps.

He finally lets go of my arm when we stand in line, with our trays, and wait obediently for Nadine to put our "porridge" on our plates.

This "porridge" sticks so much to the ladle that it takes almost minutes until the sticky something splashes with a loud sound on our plate.

In such moments, I often think back to the delicious fast foods from
"back then."

There is not much I miss about my life "back then", really not, after all, I was a nobody back then.

A freak without friends...

But the bad thing about the whole story is that "we" are not even to blame for the current state of the earth.

Nobody knows exactly how it happened, but one morning, we woke up and "boom."

Birds fell like hailstones from the sky.
Tornadoes swept all over the world, hundreds of earthquakes made the world tremble, volcanoes exploded.

And finally, at the end, dark haze settled in the sky that immersed the world forever in a dark light....

All this took no more than 30 minutes..

After that, everything was quiet.

More than half of humanity was wiped out within a very short time. Including my parents..

Scientists thought that it was a natural disaster. Others thought it was a "phenomenon," just as the formation of the Earth was a phenomenon, or the extinction of dinosaurs....

But we humans were to blame for everything that happened afterwards.

In our uncertainty and panic that something like this could happen again, we began to stop thinking about the future. We only wanted to live in the here and now.

We stopped working or going to school. We started to only exist and to do partys... Lots of partys...

But without police or politicians to ensure order, we wanted to form our own "forms of rule" at some point.

The people with a lot of money and prestige started to make their own laws with their own rules, and those who opposed them were simply eliminated.

Until at some point, it became clear to most of humanity that we could not go on living like this. from which today's government emerged.

The other part are the people we call "rebels" today.
If it were up to them, we would still be just partying every day, and we would all live by their rules.-

The sudden heavy weight on my plate took me back to the present, where Nadine had just slapped my "food" on my plate.

I quickly move aside so as not to stop the queue and follow Nash, who winds his way past the many tables and chairs to secure our favorite spot in the back right corner.

I had just sat down and was just about to put the spoon in my mouth when my name sounded through the speaker system on the walls and I was asked by the secretary of the "boss" himself to drop everything immediately and go to the main sector.

When the secretary's voice falls silent, I notice that Nash is staring at me, no... Everyone is staring at me.

And I stare back, the spoon still millimeters away from my mouth.

I sit in this position for several more seconds because it's not as if I had just been asked to go to the headmaster, no.
The boss is like a legend.

I've been part of the government since I was nine years old, and I haven't seen the boss once.
For a long time, I didn't even believe that there was such a thing as a boss here.
And now I have just been asked by his secretary herself to come to exactly that "legend".

Nash seems to realize this before me because I feel a kick from him under the table, which tore me out of my rigidity.

I look at him, and his look signals me that I should go, immediately...

And he also signals me with that look that I will have to tell him every little detail afterwards.

Typical Nash always after the gossip.

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