Chapter 01 - The Beginning

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On a cold night in the city of N, a petite young girl was seen holding her jacket close to cover the piercing cold of the night wind. The young girl's body was drowned in the large jacket she was wearing.

The young girl walked quickly towards the towering apartment building in front of her. Because she couldn't stand the bone-chilling cold, the young girl finally jogged until she finally entered the front door of the apartment building, then walked towards the elevator and pressed the button to go up.

After the elevator door opened, the small-boned young girl immediately entered the elevator and pressed the button, which floor was the floor where the young girl lived. When the door was closed, the young girl looked around and it turned out that only a woman in her mid-twenties was in the elevator with her, who was her next door neighbor. To show politeness the young girl nodded briefly to the woman. The silence inside actually made the young girl a little uncomfortable, but the girl didn't want to get too close to her neighbor because she knew very well that her neighbor often quarreled with her husband in the front hallway of the apartment, sometimes their screams could even be heard in the room. After pondering for a moment, the elevator finally dinged and the doors opened.

The young girl immediately got out of the elevator followed by her neighbor, walking down the hall towards the door of the apartment where she lived.

Slightly shifting her small bag that was in the way, the girl reached out to press the password button on her apartment door. When the door opened, the young girl entered, greeted by a familiar voice.

"A young lady." In front of her  stood a tall girl bowing her head respectfully.

The young girl sighed tiredly as she put her shoes on the shoe rack, not surprised that the tall girl was in her apartment. "Why do you always follow me, I told you not to call me Young lady if it's not in the big house, call me Viola."

The tall girl ignored her Young Lady's protests. "I can always find Young Miss, besides why work so hard, Old Master and Old Madam are so worried about you."

The young girl rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You'd better ask Uncle Wesli to give you another job, rather than following me all the time."

"I'm Young Lady's personal maid, why should I look for another job? I would disgrace the Costin family name if I did that."

The young girl named Viola just sneered for a moment then walked in. The big house that Viola is referring to is the Manson family house. The Costin family has served the Manson family for generations, where their job is not only to be ordinary servants but also to be personal guards trained from an early age to protect their Master.

Wesli Costin is the butler in the Manson mansion and also Thysa's father. Even though Viola is younger than Thysa, Thysa always respects her young lady. Thysa has been assigned to be a personal maid since Viola was small to build a strong bond between Master and Servant. However, because she has looked after her since she was little, Thysa actually considers Viola to be her little sister. After a bit of trance Thysa caught up with her Young Lady.

"I will prepare your bath water, young lady."

"No need, I will prepare it myself."

"Okay Young lady, then I will prepare food."

Viola nodded in agreement then walked to her room to shower. Turning on the water to regulate the temperature, then taking off all the clothes on her body and soaking in warm water. Actually, Viola was born into one of the rich families in city N, everyone knows how rich the Manson family is. However, Viola experienced a past that she could not forget, so she began to distance herself from the Manson family's affairs and preferred to live independently.

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