Chapter 1; Page 2: Bear!

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We see Carlos and Carlotta watching over Xander and Sandra as they play in the river. Carlotta looks at you and smiles before looking at Carlos. "Carlos, they're back, I told you they would be!" She says and then they both look at you. "It seems so, looks like I owe you twenty huckleberries." He says before clearing his throat. "Hello again. Today, our young wolf cubs will meet someone new." He says before bushes near Xander and Sandra start rustling. Xander instinctively moves in front of Sandra to protect her. The bushes continue rustling until a bear cub comes tumbling out of them. The bear cub lands in front of Xander and Sandra and looks at them with an excited smile. "HELLO, I'M ROSA, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" She says excitedly. Xander gets overwhelmed by how excited she is but forces a smile. "Hello, I'm Xander and this is Sandra." He says politely, his social battery is draining rapidly. "Hello, it's great to meet you." Sandra says with a smile from behind Xander. The wolf cubs and bear cub play together all day, until late evening when we hear a bear roar and two wolf howls. They all separate with the promise to meet here every day. We turn to our narrators who are watching the young predators. "So, now our main character has made two new friends who will be with him until the end of time." Carlos says to you with a smile before squawking in surprise as Carlotta pecks his head. "It's time for you to give me twenty huckleberries, I won the deal!" She shouts at him as they fly away.

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