Chapter 2: Esacapes and Mates

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             Gwenyfer stepped out into the cool night air. The streets were dark with the exception of a few dim street light.She looked around to get her bearings. Once she figured out where she was, Gwenyfer turned right and started running down the street.                     
Gwenyfer could feel the pain throughout her body. Despite her misery, she continues to run through the deserted streets. Gwenyfer turned down a few alleys, just in case. With every turn she could feel she was getting closer and closer to home. 
Gwenyfer was sure her captors knew she had escaped and were following her. She refused to look back and confirm. She just kept pushing herself forward. 
The only thing that kept her from collapsing was the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She took a turn down one last alley. At the end of alley was a rusty gate next to the corner of an old brick building.                  
           Gwenyfer pushed opened the screeching metal gate. in the middle of the narrow alley, an old green dumpster. She slipped behind the dumpster.Behind a loose brick was the homemade key only she and her best friend knew how to use. Gwenyfer opened the door into the building.
Gwenyfer ran through the old manufacturing floor, passed the old rusty and dust covered machines. They were still bolted to the concrete floor. At the end of the room was a heavy metal door. Gwenyfer turned the wheel shapped nob and pushed the heavy door open.
She ran down the concrete steps, into the basement. It was full of old furniture and machines arranged like a maze/ She navigated to a table covered with a green fabric. She lifted the edge of the fabric to reveal a door in the floor. 
           She graved the ring and pulls the door up. Gwenyfer stepped down the stone steps, the door closed behind her. She walked down the small corridor to another heavy metal door.
Gwenyfer found the string next to the door. She pulled the string and it pulled a key out of a hole in the wall. She walked through the door and closed it behind her.
           The underground home was dark and quiet. Gwenyfer turned on some lights. It was strangely empty. "Neti?" she called as she searched the rooms. She noticed that they still didn't have the supplies she had previouly went out for. "Shit! She must have gone out when I didn't come home." she commented as she accepted that her friend wasn't home.
           Then Gwenyfer started to think about what could be happening to her best friend. After what she had just suffered, Gwenyfer worried for her friend's safety and whereabouts. "Moon Goddess, please protect Nefi." she prayed as she went to her bedroom.
Gwenyfer walked over to the bed and thought about laying down. She was starting to feel the adrenaline starting to wane. She saw a white piece of paper on her pillow. She picked it up and saw that it was a note from her friend,
                                 I don't know where you are or what is happening to you. I am worried and hope                         to see you again soon. If you are reading this, it means you have finally come home. i hope you are safe. When you came home I know you are confused as to why I am not home. Well, When you didn't come home, I tried to wait. But I needed those supplies and I was desperately hungry. I went to gather what we need. i ran into an alpha male.
                                     Of course, I was terrified. But he was amazing and kind. He asked what I was doing so out late. I told him about everything, including your disappearance. He got me some food. His name is Trevor and he is my gift from Luna Moon. He is my true mate.
                                 He asked me to move in with him and promised to always keep me safe. Nefi, he makes me so happy. And, knowing what you mean to me, he wants you to live with us and has sworn to protect you as he would me. I really hope you agree to live with us. I wrote the address in the back of this letter. I love you and hope you are safe.
               Gwenyfer read through the letter a couple of times. She couldn't believe that her bestfriend had found her mate and hopefully would have a good future. The thought of moving in with them cause a serious debate in her mind. The idea of being around an Alpha made her shudder.
But the thought of living somewhere with protection and guaranteed food everyday was very appealing. Gwenyfer thought about what would be in her best interest. She remembered that she had no clothes on. She went to her closet and put some clothes on.
               When she finished getting dressed, Gwenyfer had decided living with her bestfriend and her mate was better than constant fear and uncertainty. and if Nefi trusted Trevvor, Gwenyfer could try too.
               Gwenyfer found some luggage and packed her things. She put some momentos in on bag and her clothes in another. She took on last look at her former safe place and walked out the door.
Gwenyfer walked down the block and turned toward the nicer side of the city. Each block looked cleaner and safer as she got closer to the prosperous side of the city. That is where the Alphas lived, some with their mates. 
               Once she crossed the threshold into the wealthy neighborhood, the air smelled clean and fresh. Gwenyfer took in a deep refreshing breath as she looked for the address.
A few blocks of the fancy homes, Gwenyfer found the numbers on a very well maintained brownstone row house. She had found the place but her anxiety started to build again. She stood at the door breathing rapidly and erratically. With her eyes closed, Gwenyfer held her breath and knocked on the unfamiliar door.
               The moments ticked by as Gwenyfer waited, hoping to see her best friend. The door opened and a man stood there, "Can I help you?' he asked. Gwenyfer stiffened, sensing he was an Alpha.
"Ma'am?" the man questioned. Without opening her eyes, Gwenyfer started to speak, "I…I'm…I'm looking… for Marianette Carvur." she stumbled in a low voice. "Oh, of course. Come inside." the Alpha offered kindly. Gwenyfer's eyes shot open in terror. He could see the look in the young woman's eyes. He gave a little smile, "Wait right here." he said and re-entered the house.
               Gwenyfer didn't move, but as she waited she could feel the adrenaline leaving her veins and her body ready to give up. The pain surfaced and her entire body was starting to erupt with pain.
Not long later, a woman came to the door. Gwenyfer recognized her best friend and gave a weak smile. "Nefi?" the woman at the door questioned. "Yes, Neti, it's me/" Gwenyfer weak responded.                      
               Gwenyfer, feeling she is finally safe, allowed her body to give up and she passed out. 
Marianette caught her friend and called her mate to help bring Gwenyfer into the house. He ran out, scooped up Gwenyfer, and took her to the room that had been waiting for her.
               Marianette sat with her friend, upset to be seeing her in such a state. About ten minutes later, Trevor returned with a female healer. He coaxed Marianette from the room so that the healer could work.
               Marianette was worried and paced the hallway. "Mai, she will be alright. I know that I have just met her but I can tell that she is strong. She is also a fighter." he assured. "I know she is a fighter, Rev. But she has been gone for a month. You saw what she looks like. What else could have been done to her that we can't see?" she cried in to his chest. He soothed her as best as he could.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 10 ⏰

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