Moods | In A Year, Fall 1862

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INT. LIBRARY — LODGE OR MANSION — Either Fall 1862 or Spring 1863 (I haven't decided yet)

Bhaer stands at the window, watching the rain patter down the panes. His hands are crossed behind him. He is deep in thought, mulling over his not-so-healthy relationship with his fiancé.

The door creaked open, revealing the silhouette of Ottila, her gown glimmering in the light. She strides over carefully, watching him as if expecting him to greet her with a kiss or embrace.

You are missed at the party, Fritz.

He gives no answer or even reaction to her, only for his brows to furrow deeper. She nears him, placing her hand on his arm.

OTTILA (cont.)
Only a month engaged and yet you behave so cold and gloomy.

He remained looking out the window.

Only a month engaged and yet you behave so fond and jealous, Ottila.

Stepping forward, Ottila grasped his arm within hers, tilting her head to look up at him, her luxurious necklace shimmering in the light.

What else must a woman do than love her betrothed?

Do it with more honesty perhaps.

You are unhappy with me. I had thought when you left the room with the longing look in your eyes that you had wished for me to come meet you.

You were wrong.

Was it a more fair or dear friend than I?


Ottila's mouth curled into a snarl before replacing it with a hurt look. She gripped his arm tightly.

Tell me her name, Friedrich.


Ottila scoffed under her breath, stepping back.

We have been at this party for two hours and this is the greeting you have for me, love?

Friedrich turns around, looking down at her.

I have no truer greeting. (beat) Ottila, if a man has committed a hasty act unwittingly, what should he do?

Ottila, much like a Mordecai, thinks he is referring to her. A smug look flashes across her face for one second, soon to be replaced with a forgiving and gracious gaze.

Repent and mend his ways. No matter the cost or hardship that ensues.

Friedrich nods, stepping away from the window and towards the shelves in the library.

I have repented but will need help to mend my ways.

Ottila, latching onto his statement as if she was gaining the upper hand, rushed to his side, leaning on the desk beside him.

Then confess, Fritz, I will do it, whatever it may be.

(beat) How certain are you that you will help?

Anything. I will do anything to help you, love.

Then give me back my liberty.

Her smile and innocence was replaced with anger.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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