Introduction to March Forth

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March Forth has been an idea dancing in my head when my expectations were low for Little Women (2019)

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March Forth has been an idea dancing in my head when my expectations were low for Little Women (2019). However, I was blown away in the theater by the artistry put into the movie, and I set aside my spite piece called, "March Forth."

I knew from the get-go that I wanted to do something radically different than any other adaptation. For a while, I was appeased by the three most recent historical adaptations of Louisa May Alcott's beloved masterpiece (the 1994 movie, the 2017 PBS mini-series, and the 2019 movie). But my heart was stuck on the idea of crafting a new, lengthened experience that delved into the mind of Alcott, pulling more inspiration from her life and other works.

So, over the years, I have read over Alcott's life, her other books, and the plays she wrote that Jo and her sisters most likely performed. A lot of extra-canonical events that will take place in my adaptation of Little Women stem from Louisa May Alcott's biography, journal, and letters, crafting a deeper story. Even the addition of characters and subplots might take place to tell a new tale of Alcott's classic.

So this is a disclaimer saying this is not your average adaptation which is why it is not called Little Women. March Forth follows the lives of the March family and everyone held dear to them as they face the inconsistencies, trials, and beauties of life.


A. F. Kopp

P. S. I also know the screenplay format is not 100% accurate. It's just an easy way for me to get words down.

March Forth | Based on the Books and Life of Louisa May AlcottWhere stories live. Discover now