The date he promised

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A few days after the case. Emily was at home, feeling much better although she hasn't talk to Aaron much after the kiss. Then she hears a knock at the door.

she goes to the door and opens it.

Aaron is standing there.

When he sees her, his eyes light up, and he smiles. He looks happy to see her.

"Hey"he says, and with his hands around a bouquet of her favorite roses, "I was wondering if you might be up for a little date night tonight?"

She smiles, he had remembered her favorite flowers, "You mean like a real first date?"
He nods, "I was thinking something fancy, dress-up and dinner? "
"I think I can do that," she says with a smile as he hands her the roses ,
"I'll go get ready," she says as she closes the door and walks into her bedroom.

In her bedroom, she can't stop smiling, this actually feels like a very proper first date, like in a romantic drama. She has never felt so happy .

She walks into her walk-in closet and starts to look for something to wear.

She pulls out an elegant red dress, and smiles to herself, this is her dress for tonight.  She starts to change as she thinks about how pretty she looks, but she also thinks about the future with Hotch.

She steps in front of the mirror, and she looks more beautiful than she's ever seen herself before, she feels like a princess in her red dress.

She takes a deep breath, and she can feel her heart beating faster. In that moment, she knows she's ready for tonight, for a true date with Hotch.

She walks back into the living room, and she looks gorgeous in the red dress.  It fits her like a glove.
Hotch is waiting for her and when he sees her, he takes a step back, like he can't believe his eyes.

He's speechless.

"Well, what do you think?" she asks , as she spins around, like a model at a fashion show.
Hotch nods and looks her up and down.
He takes her hands,
"You look beautiful."

She glances at him, and her face flushes with happiness.

"Thank you, " she says, and then it's like a switch has flipped in them, they both seem to remember how serious they are about this.

Hotch clears his throat.

"Shall we go?"

She nods, taking his hand as they make their way out the front door.

They get in the car, and she can't help but notice how the car smells like him.

They don't say much, but it's not because they aren't enjoying each other's company, it's just because they're enjoying each other's presence.

An hour later, they arrive at this prestigious, high-end restaurant, it's obvious this place is expensive, but he didn't mind, he just wanted her to have the best.

He holds the door open for her, and she smiles at him as she walks inside the restaurant.

He smiles back, and they sit down at a table, and he takes her hand.

When the waiter arrives, he orders for both of them.

He talks to her, asking her about her work and her life, and for some reason, he looks so genuine.

They talk and eat, and it's like they're the only two people in the world.

Waiting room by phoebe bridgers starts playing while they eat "Omg I love this song" she says with a chuckle

He smiles, "I know you do" , he says. " I put in a request for it to be played",

He reaches across the table  and takes her hand,  she squeezes back and it feels like her heart just skipped a beat.

She can't believe she's really here with him, like this is a scene from a romantic drama. She feels the warmth of his hand around hers, and her mind starts to wander...

They finish their meal, and he pays the bill without even looking at it.

He stands up and then offers his hand, "Shall we go? " he asks.

She takes his hand.

He leads her back out to the car, and they get inside.

The drive home was silent, but it wasn't awkward, it was filled with the tension of what was to come.

They pull up outside of her apartment, and he stops the car.

"Aaron, before I go in inside... are we officially together?? Like boyfriend and girlfriend because if so I would love to meet your son." She says softly with a smile

He's taken aback, he was planning to ask her that tonight, but he never expected her to bring it up now.

The question seems to put a smile on his face, "yes, we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend, and when I introduce you to my son, I want you to meet him as my partner. "

Her heart skips a beat as she hears these words, she's about to be a family with Hotch and Jack.

She smiles at him, "I would love that."

"Aaron, one more thing. Can we keep this a secret from the team for now?"

He considers this for a moment, he understands her reasoning for wanting to keep it a secret, but eventually, he decides to agree with her.

"Of course," he says, "Our relationship is none of their businesses."

He pulls her close to him, and he looks into her eyes, "we won't tell the team, but if they figure it out and ask us about it, we'll just tell the truth", he says with a smirk.

"Good night Aaron, love you " she says as she walks up to her apartment complex

His face lights up at the words "love you" , he feels the same way and has been waiting for this moment.

"love you too," he says as he waves goodbye before driving off.

He can't stop smiling as he drives.

He's never been so happy.

Yay they finally got they're first date and I imagine Emily as a phoebe bridgers fan , I hope you guys enjoyed the date he promised and hope you guys follow along with the evolution of hotchniss

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