I'm havin' a bad day

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Tw:panic attacks
Some of this chapter is from s7 e12 some of it my own writing
It's been a few weeks since Emily Prentiss has been back at the Bau after her "death" , but she has been lying to her therapist, about having a boyfriend and being better, but her boyfriend is actually her cat named, Sergio and on the jet after a case ,Hotchner was talking to prentiss about it

"I don't care if you lie to your therapist Emily, all I care about is how your behaviour affects your job"

"I don't think it has"

"You've been overcompensating"

"OK, so maybe I've been working a little bit harder to regain people's s trust. Is that Such a bad thing?"

"No, it only is if you use it to avoid dealing what you went through"

"But I'm not, I chose to come back here. Why? because I care about the people that I work with? Yes but also because it's clean, I know who the good guys and the bad guys are. I don't have to worry about screwing someone over to make a case"

"Okay, I want you to make a deal with me. You're gonna go weeks, months even feeling fine and then you're gonna have a bad day , just let me know when you do"

"And that's it"

"That's it"



A few days later. they just got off a really bad case, and they're on the jet, Emily was picking at her fingers like she does every time she's nervous or upset. Aaron was sitting across her, a little worried about her but they made a deal , She needs to tell him when she's having a bad day and she will

"Prentiss"he sighs a bit are "you okay?"

Then she says "I'm havin' a bad day"

"Can you tell me what's wrong?..." aaron sighs... he knew this was coming

"I don't know ,the case just kind to set me off, they were just kids hotch" she says with her hands shaking and her breathing getting heavy

he notices as she begins to have a panic attack..."Prentiss deep breaths, breathe in and out"

"I can't Aaron"she says, she never really called him Aaron before because it unprofessional

"Breathe in slowly" he places his palm over hers "hold it then exhale" he says his voice soft "I'm right here Emily, nothing is gonna happen that's gonna hurt you. Just let yourself relax"

"Close your eyes."

He's not just her Supervisor, He's her friend.

She takes a deep breath into his hand. and she exhales out slowly. when she opens her eyes, she notices Aaron and his hand is still over hers.

"Thank you"

"anytime" he says. she looks away quickly, his hand slowly falling off but he grabs her hand again.

"You didn't have to do that hotch" she says, knowing that she's falling in love with him even more than before

"I know I didn't have to," he chuckles. He smiles. "I wanted to."

She looks at his hand holding hers. Their fingers laced together.

She pulls back slightly, but he doesn't let go. He holds her hand a bit tighter.

"I'm always gonna be here for you." He says, not letting her pull away.

"I want you to know that. I want you to believe it. When the world feels dark, or you feel alone. I wanna be the person that you come to."

"I believe you" she says she looks over at him . He's always been there for her , it was one of the reasons she came back to the Bureau after everything she went through.. she leans her head into his shoulder .

He gently puts his arm around her. He has feelings for her, it's obvious she can see that, and he's not hiding it anymore.

She felt safe around him. For a long time, she thought she would never find that again.

She closes her eyes, and he gently rubs her back.

They don't say a word, but the moment says everything.

Holy crap we're not even even one chapter in it's already getting good. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I'm havin' a bad day. Because I enjoyed writing it.


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