Finding the girl

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The next morning gallerela and Cinderella were working on there daily chores as tremaine was looking for the two "Cinderella! gallerela oh were are!"she says before they appear out of a room in there maid clothes.

"Yes mother"gallerela says.

"My daughter's where are they"tremaine asked.

"We think they are still in bed"Cinderella groans as tremaine groans in frustration before glaring at them.

"Well don't just stand there! Bring up the breakfast trays at once and hurry"tremaine snaps as she rushed up the stairs to wake her daughters as gallerela and Cinderella do what they are told as they were then shown carrying in the trays as they were talking about last night as tremaine was getting there dresses.

"They say he's madly in love with the girl he danced with"tremaine says as Cinderella and gallerela stand at the door.

"The Grand Duke is?" Anastasia says groggy as she and drisilla set on her bed tired.

"No no the prince!"tremaine says as Cinderellas eyes widen realizing she danced with the prince as she drops the tray with a clatter as glass shattered making tremaine whirl around with a glare.

"You clumsy little fool clean that up then help my daughter's dess you to gallerela"she snaps as gallerela bends down to help Cinderella pick up the pieces as they listen in of the conversation.

"What for"drisilla says with a yawn.

"If he's in love with that girl why should we even bother"Anastasia says as they go underneath the covers going back to sleep until tremaine yanks the blanket off.

"Now you two listen to me they're still a chance only one of you can get "she says making her daughters turn around in shock pointing to them selfs as tremaine nods her head "just this no one not even the prince knows who's that girl is. The glass slipper is their only clue now the Duke has been ordered to try it on every girl in the Kingdom and if one can be found whom the slipper fits then by the kings command, that girl shall be The princes bride"tremaine says as Cinderella and gallerela picked up the miss as they now stand up as disella and Anastasia run around.

"Cinderella! Gallerela get my things together"the sisters pile up clothes in there hands as gallerela rushed off to do the laundry not realizing Cinderella didn't follow her before as she was shown doing laundry before hearing Cinderella sob from upstairs as she sees her mother walk be with a cold smirk.

"What did you do"she whispered before waiting until her mother is gone as she quickly hurryss up the stairs that the tower were they live in hearing sobbing.

"Cinderella what happened"Gallagher asked worried going to open the door only to realize it's locked before soon she was shown joined with the animals.

"Oh she's locked me in she took the key please hurry before it's to late"Cinderella sobs as gallerela and the animals share looks they needed to get that key so Cinderella can have her happily ever after.

"Alright guys here's the plan I'll help keep the Duke busy you two try and get that key come on "gallerela says to Gus and jaq who nodded there heads before they head down stairs.

She was then shown holding a try of tea "you will not say a word"tremaine says with warning as she hold back a glare before nodding her head as tremaine let's the Grand Duke and footman in who blows a horn holding a red pillow with the glass slipper.

"Announcing his imperial grave the grand Duke"the foot man says letting the grand Duke in.

"You honor our humble home milord"tremaine says bowing her head as gallerela and her sisters follow before standing back up straight "may I present my daughter's Anastasia and drisilla and this is our maid"she says as gallerela watches as the royal proclamation was read while sitting down the tray before seeing Gus and jaq trying to get the key from her mothers dress pocket while the door man presents the glass slipper making her sisters go crazy as the footman hides behind the grand Duke.

"Girls! Your manners"tremaine says with a tight smile making her daughters stop immediately before turning to the grand Duke "a thousand pardons your grace please continue"she says as the grand Duke did just that as the footman gives the exhausted man a chair .

"You must be quiet fatigued your grace  may we offer you some tea"tremaine says as gallerelas eyes widen seeing Gus in the tea cup that was about to be filled with hot tea.

"Thank you madam no"he says as gallerela sighs in relief that Gus was okay before she takes sthe tea cup and tea before sitting it back on the tree as she nods her secretly as he and jaq continue to try and get the key before it was time to try on the slipper Anastasia went first as she sits down before the slipper was put on.

"There I knew it was my slipper"she says before the footman fully lift up her foot showing it's true size as the slipper was only on her toe.

"Oh well it may be a trifle snug today you know how it is dancing all night"she lies with a smile as the footman rolls up his sleeves going to try to make it fit.

"Yeah right you was born with big feet you and drisilla"gallerela mumbled quietly to her self as she watches the fiasco as she sees jaw and Gus with the key before secretly nodding her head up stairs as they rush off.

"Quite we mustn't disturb his grace young man are you sure you're trying the right foot"tremaine says as gallerela sees the Duke asleep as he snores before praying that Gus and jaq make it to Cinderella before it's to late

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