Daily chores part 1

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A young girl by the name of gallerela was the third sister of Anastasia and drizilla but she she treated like a servant compared to her sisters that's how her and Cinderella get along.

Gallerela walks up the steps of the tower were Cinderella sleeps as she gently opens the door as some birds open the curtains letting some light in as the sun begins to rise as gallerela walks over to the bed with a soft smiles as a few mice joins her"Cinderella it's time to wake up"she says gently shaking Cinderellas shoulder but she still slumbers as gallerela sighs before moistioning the mice and birds to give it a shot.

The bird tweet as the land on the post of Cinderellas bed but all she does in groan as the birds hop on her pillow as one holds her braid up as they tweet in her ear before she turns over in her sleep holding the pillow over her head yawning. One bird hope down as they tweet peeking into a whole underneath the pillow as Cinderella as giggling can be heard as she pulls the pillow down as gallerela smiles amused while she clicks the other in the tail making the bird chirp as she laughs softly at Cinderella.

Cinderella finally sits up with a smile as she laughs softly "well it serves you right, spoiling people's bers dreams and Good morning gallerela"she greets her step sister with a smile.

"Good morning to you to Cinderella now it's to get up I'm gonna get dressed and meet you in the kitchen"she says with a soft smile before leaving the tower as Cinderella sings.

Gallerela wears the same thing as Cinderella only her skirt was green with a few patches here and there as she pulls her hair up in a bone as she looked at her reflection in her mirror as she thinks how Cinderella is her only true family before she sighs getting up heading to the kitchen.

She gets a tea kettle as she feels it with water before putting it in the stove as it heats up while she she puts the dirty dishes in home made sink she made out of woods as she washed the dishes before Cinderella walks in with a new friend "oh hello who is this little guy"she says with a soft smile.

"He's name is Gus he's apart of our little family now"she says as she smiles softly at the mouse.

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