The invitation to the ball

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The two carefully and quickly move up the stairs as Lucifer sneakly slinks his way up the rail as he waits for Cinderella as his cat eyes narrowed on a specific tea cup with a fanged smirk as his tail slowly swish back and forth.

A long the way up just as Cinderella was level to lever with Lucifer her shoe slipped off "hey Cinderella you sure fell" Gallerela says as Cinderella looks down seeing hee shoe one step down.

"Oh thank you gallerela"Cinderella says with a soft smile as she turns making Lucifer grab the wrong tea cup greedy as Cinderella slips her shoe back on while Lucifer looks into the cup hungrily but glare when it's the wrong cup as he goes to grab the other one but hides when the girls move forward.

Cinderella goes to Anastasia's and drizella's rooms to give them rea and grab there laundry while gallerela went into her mother's room as it was dark with only a little bit of light from the window Cinderella open the curtains to earlier.

"Finally child "her mother says with a cold look as gallerela sets her tea down with a bow even tho she was still her child she was treated like a maid/slave as she quietly grabs the laundry before hearing her sisters screaming before they rush into the room.

"She and Cinderella put a mouse under my tea cup mother!"Anastasia cry's.

"But we didn't honest"gallerela pleads as she was silenced by her mother with a firm look before she calls Cinderella as the two were left in the room as drizella and Anastasia listen on the outside through the door.

Lady tremaine Coldy stirs her tea as Lucifer lays by his master with smug look. "Now it seems we have time on our hands for vicious practical jokes perhaps we could put it to better use now let me"she goes on about things they they need to clean as gallerela sighs knowing they were being punished all because of a mis understanding as the two were then shown working in different parts of the house as drizella and Anastasia were practicing singing with there mother upstairs if you call that singing.

Gallerela was dusting the windows in the main foyer as Cinderella washed the floor by hand with soap water and a bucket she then hears Cinderella sing the same songs her sisters were but song from the heart with a soft voice as she smiles.

"Oh you mean old cat"Cinderella says with a from breaking gallerela out of her thoughts seeing Lucifer dirtying up the floor again but soon a knocking was heard on the door making gallerela walk over opening the door seeing man from the palace with a horse drawn carriage.

Gallerela bows in respect "yes"she asked politely

"I have come to deliver an invitation to palace it's important and every eligible maiden is to attend"a man says before leaving as gallerela closed the door.

"He says it's important"gallerela says as they look towards up stairs before they were shown at the door as Cinderella knocks as the girls wince hearing a hand slammed on the piano "yes!"the heard lady tremaine as they open the door walking in.

"Before you yell someone from the royal palace brought an invitation to the palace about a ball"she says handing it to her mother before her sisters got a chance they watch as she opens the invitation as her eyes widen.

"She's right it is a ball and by royal decree every eligible maiden is to attend for the prince"she says making drizella and Anastasia jump around with happiness as they giggle.

"So that means we can go two"Cinderella asked as Anastasia and drizella share wide eyes before rambling to Lady tremaine on why they can't go as gallerela frowns at them before they were silenced.

"Well I see no reason why either of you can't go if you both can get your chores done before then and find something eligible to where"lady tremaine says making gallerela smile for the first at her mother in Years.

"Oh thank thank you mother"she says with a big smile before she and Cinderella hurry off not knowing what lady tremaine had instored for them.

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