Chapter 4🌷(Trouble)

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Y/n quickly bid the clerk goodbye and quickly went out of the store, looking up at the dark sky before her, she quickly made her way home, anxiously looking around  as she clutched the paper bag of medicine close to her.

B/n had suddenly been attacked with a high fever, and needed to be given medicine immediately but they had unfortunately run out, and not wanting her brother to suffer, Y/n's mom had sent her out to get medicine at the 24/7 drug store.

Some may say it was overkill by how guarded she is on going out alone, who knows what could happen-


A loud sound had reverberated through the empty streets, but all Y/n could think of was to make a damn run for it!

She quickly put the medicine in her hoodie pocket and ran, hopefully being able to go into hiding as to where her slipper clad feet can take her, but it seemed the bot that had been sent was very persistent today and was very hot on her tail.

It didn't look like going through various alleyways and streets would stop it from following her, so she decided to craft up a plan all the while she ran, quickly grabbing a trash can lid and throwing it at the robot, only seeming to deter it for a moment as it went back to continue it's pursuit for her.

If this thing ends up taking her, she needed to leave a sign of her kidnapping, she needed them to know she was inevitably taken, so she ran in pursuit of going to Tok Aba's stand, she thought it would be a viable option, it was a place she frequented.

She now needed to leave something behind that would make people immediately think of her, hands going into her hoodie pocket, she tried to look for something she had with her that had significance.

As she did so, she nearly tripped because of her slippers and immediately thought to her slippers, given how they were custom and had her name, she quickly took them off and ran, knocking a few chairs over, throwing her slippers down next to the fallen equipment, and dropping something small to the ground.

Just when she succeeded in doing so, the robot managed to get a hold of her right arm, "Ugh let go!" She kicked the robot with her bare foot, but soon regretted it as she winced in pain.

Pushing and pulling herself away from the robot as it seemed to grow bigger and envelop her entire body, she banged against the hard material of the robot as she tried to figure out how to get free from the inside.

The robot had formed into a large sphere and proceeded to fly, fly out to space and bring Y/n alongside with it.

"No no no no no no!" Y/n banged the hard metal in frustration as tears brimmed in her eyes, sighing in defeat as she felt the robot rumble as it flew into the air.

She quickly hugged her knees to her chest and tried to comfort herself.

She didn't even get to give her brother his medicine...

Y/n wasn't stupid enough, although it was risky to go out on her own, she didn't bring pocketbot, worrying for the little guy who was terrified if being captured.

She could guess it was better if it was her instead of them, but it won't be long till they find out she doesn't have pocket bot and they'll pursue earth again.

Hopefully, Boboiboy and his friends come back to wherever they went to for the entire time they were gone.

Okay, maybe she is a bit dumb to think that TAPOPS is some sort of educational institute and that BoBoiBoy and his friends are out somewhere doing activities for school.


The gang was so glad to be back, they could relax for a bit, but also need to look for the missing power sphera, but once the ships doors opened came in B/n with a cool strip on his forehead and his pajamas.

"There you all are!" He panted, gripping onto Boboiboy's clothes desperately as he felt his vision darken, "B/n!? Are you okay?" BoBoiBoy held onto the boy worriedly, looking at his friend who looked like he had a hard time even breathing.

"I'm okay! But you've gotta help my sister!" He wheezed.

"What happened to your sister?" Yaya stepped forward, a look of concern was on her face as everyone waited for him to speak.

"They...they took her..." B/n's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he slumped forward, luckily BoBoiBoy was there to luckily catch him, then came running Tok Aba, panting as he placed a hand over his hip.

"This boy...came running here while he's sick.." he wiped the sweat off his forehead as he walked over.

"Tok Aba! What's happening?" Ying asked.

"It looks like Y/n was kidnapped, a few days ago, I found my shops chairs laying on the ground during the morning and I found her slippers and this." Tok Aba took something out of his pocket and showed off a deformed looking tiny pig clay sculpture.

"I..made that.." Fang narrowed his eyes as he stepped forward, Tok Aba gave it to the younger boy for him to inspect closer, "No way! Y/n was kidnapped! But why!?" Gopal cried out.

BoBoiBoy, laid B/n somewhere more comfortable when a voice spoke out, "It's all because of me!" A small voice says, everyone looked around then to ochobot, thinking that it was him.

"That wasn't me!"

"Ah, right." Tok Aba quickly remembered something and took something out from his shirt pocket and taking out Pocketbot, who was crying.

"It's all my fault! She was protecting me! And now she's gone!"

Everyone looked at Pocketbot who cried for the girl that was missing.


"Pocketbot..If I don't come looking for you..I need you to come looking for my younger brother." The older woman says as she continues to sew the clothing that had been ripped that night.

Pocketbot glanced at Y/n in confusion, wondering why would he need to do that.

"There might come a time, that I might not come home, and when that happens, I want you to immediately seek help. I'll show you the way to my brothers room so you can easily find it." Y/n looked down to the Power Sphera with a smile.


"She knew that that was going to happen to her! Wahhhh!" Pocketbot cried.

They all looked at each other worriedly.

"If it's already been a few days...then that must mean that they had already found out about now that she doesn't have him!"

"What could we do!?"


"Fang?" Ying called out to him in worry, knowing full well that Fang did see Y/n as an older sister and B/n as a younger brother, so for one of them to be in distress and the other was gone and who knows how they are fairing, he could only imagine what lengths he would go through for them.

"We're going to need to talk to Koko Ci..."

What will happen now to Y/n ToT read and find out on the next chapter! Also, I hope this story isn't panning out too fast and that their relationship development won't be as fast as the story progression.🌷

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