22: Ultimate Moves; Part 2: Class B

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As the students of Class 1-A engaged in their rigorous training regimen within the confines of the TKL, the atmosphere buzzed with energy and determination. Each student pushed themselves to their limits, honing their skills and refining their techniques in preparation for the challenges that lay ahead.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of training, the door to the gym swung open, and in walked Vlad King, accompanied by the students of Class 1-B. Their arrival brought a palpable shift in the air, as the two classes now shared the same training space, each vying to prove their worth and showcase their abilities.

Vlad King's stern gaze swept across the room, his presence commanding attention and respect from both classes. With a nod of approval, he signaled for his students to join their counterparts in the ongoing training sessions, fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie and competition among the aspiring heroes.

"That's enough, Class A!!" Vlad King announced. "TKL is supposed to be ours this afternoon!"

"It's Class B," Midoriya stated.

"What bad timing!" Kaminari whined.

"Eraser. Get going, now," Vlad King commanded.

"We've still got about ten minutes left," Aizawa retorted. "I aim to use our time efficiently."

"Hey have you all heard?!" Monoma taunted as he struck an arrogant pose. "About how half those taking the licensing test fail it? I bet you're all gonna fail, Class A!!" He then began laughing maniacally.

"So what's up with Monoma's costume?" Kaminari asked Kendo.

Kendo replied, "He told us that because he copies others' quirks, he doesn't need some flashy, eccentric costume."

"Looks eccentric enough to me," Kaminari joked.

"Yet... he's right," Tokoyami, ever the edgelord, monologued. "In this test, we will be as beasts thrown into the ring... it is our fate to crush each other."

"Not quite," Aizawa explained. "Classes A and B are registered at different exam sites."

"The standardized hero licensing test is held every year at three different locations around the country in both June and September," Vlad King added. "In order to avoid direct competition between students from the same school, it's common practice at all schools to have different classes register seperately, at a different time or place."

Monoma breathed a sigh of relief, then immediately continued laughing maniacally and taunting, "What a shame that I won't get to beat you all with my own two hands!!"

"Didn't he just give a sigh of relief?" Kirishima asked, confused.

"They should come up with a name for whatever disorder he's got," Kaminari quipped, prompting Yaze to burst into laughter.

As Aizawa wrapped up his explanation of the license test, Class A exited the gym, their minds buzzing with anticipation. Outside, the students exchanged words of encouragement and determination before dispersing, each focused on the tasks ahead.

Inside the gym, Class B prepared to start their own training session under Vlad King's guidance, with Yaze and the other teachers providing support and instruction.

* * *

As Yaze made his rounds, he spotted Kamakiri diligently practicing his techniques. Making his way over, Yaze observed the determined look on Kamakiri's face.

"Hey, Kamakiri, how's it going?" Yaze greeted, nodding in acknowledgment.

Kamakiri turned to face Yaze, a determined expression on his face. "Hey, Sensei. It's going well. Check this out."

With a swift motion, Kamakiri unleashed a flurry of blade strikes, demonstrating his improved technique.

"Your technique has definitely improved since the internship," Yaze remarked, impressed by Kamakiri's progress. "But have you thought about what kind of combat style you're aiming for?"

Kamakiri scratched his head thoughtfully. "Hmm, not really. Something close-range, I guess. Maybe similar to yours."

Yaze nodded in understanding. "In that case, I suggest focusing on your acrobatic skills. Try incorporating spinning and jumping into your fighting style. And what if you covered your whole body in blades and used yourself as a projectile? That could make for a pretty cool ultimate move."

Kamakiri's eyes widened with excitement at the suggestion. "That sounds awesome! I'll give it a try, Sensei. Thanks for the advice!"

Encouraged by Yaze's suggestion, Kamakiri began experimenting with incorporating acrobatics and blade techniques into his combat style, eager to refine his ultimate move with newfound techniques.

As Yaze continued his rounds, he spotted Tsunotori diligently practicing her horn techniques. Approaching her with a friendly smile, Yaze greeted her in English, knowing that Tsunotori was also half-American like himself.

"Hey there, Tsunotori. How's it going?" Yaze asked, switching to English seamlessly.

Tsunotori looked up, surprised to hear English, and returned Yaze's smile. "Oh, hey, Sentinel-sensei. It's going okay. Just trying to refine my ultimate moves," she replied in English, her accent tinged with American tones.

Yaze nodded, impressed by Tsunotori's dedication. "Your horn techniques are looking sharper every day. Have you thought about any new ultimate moves?" he inquired, genuinely curious.

Tsunotori's eyes lit up with excitement as she nodded. "Yeah, I've been experimenting with some aerial maneuvers. I call one of them 'Sky Lance.' It's where I launch myself high into the air using my horns and come down with a powerful diving strike. What do you think?"

Yaze grinned, nodding in approval. "Sounds impressive! Keep refining it, Tsunotori. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action."

Tsunotori thanked Yaze in Japanese and resumed her training. Continuing his rounds, Yaze approached Kaibara, who was practicing his spinning technique with focused determination.

"Hey, Kaibara. How's your training going?" Yaze asked, observing Kaibara's precise movements.

Kaibara paused his spinning, wiping sweat from his brow before replying, "Hey, Sentinel-sensei. It's going alright. Just trying to perfect my spinning techniques."

Yaze nodded in understanding. "Your spins are looking sharp. Have you thought about any new ultimate moves?" he inquired, curious about Kaibara's progress.

Kaibara's eyes lit up with enthusiasm as he nodded. "Yeah, I've been working on something I call 'Drill Fury.' It's where I combine my spinning technique with my hand-to-hand combat to deliver a barrage of rapid strikes. What do you think?"

Yaze smiled, impressed by Kaibara's innovation. "Sounds like a powerful move. Keep refining it, Kaibara. I'm eager to see it in action," he encouraged.

As Yaze observed Kaibara's focused practice, an idea sparked in his mind. "Kaibara, have you ever considered using your spinning ability to tunnel underground?" he suggested, intrigued by the potential tactical advantage it could offer.

Kaibara paused mid-spin, considering Yaze's suggestion. "Tunneling underground? That's an interesting thought. I haven't tried it before," he admitted, intrigued by the idea.

"It could be a game-changer in battle," Yaze continued, his excitement growing. "Imagine catching your opponents off guard by launching surprise attacks from beneath the battlefield. It could give you a significant advantage."

Kaibara nodded, intrigued by the tactical possibilities. "I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion, Sentinel-sensei," he said with a determined smile.

Yaze nodded in encouragement before moving on, eager to see how Kaibara would incorporate the new tactic into his training regimen.

* * *

As the days passed, the training sessions continued with unwavering determination. Soon enough, the beginning of the second semester arrived, bringing with it the looming presence of the Provisional License Exam. With anticipation building among the students of U.A.'s Hero Course, they knew that their preparations would soon be put to the test. And so, with their sights set on the challenges ahead, they braced themselves for the next chapter of their hero journey.

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