Jedi Healer

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Jedi Healer
Chapter Ninety-Eight

I awoke the next day, I felt almost suffocated. The force was so clouded, I couldn't sense the imminent fall of the Jedi. It felt almost hopeless.

Struggling to calm my mind, I relaxed and focused on my surroundings. The door opened and I sensed Anatoli standing right outside my door.

"Good morning Master." He said loudly, as if I had lost my hearing and not my sight.

"Let's begin our training." I said. We walked past where Master Yoda's chambers was, I sensed two presences in there. I was positive it was him and Anakin.

"He needs you." I heard Qui Gon's voice in my head.

He was as speaking to Master Yoda, the wisest of us all, though arguably dogmatic. I would check up on him after me and Anatoli's training.

"I've used the droids that mimic Count Dooku, Ventress and Maul." He said as we stepped into the dojo. "Although I doubt we'd ever have to fight any of them, definitely not Dooku."

"That may be true but you should always practice to exceed where you are."

"I know but the war is almost over right? Everything will go back to normal right?"

"..." I pondered on what I should say. In theory, everything should go back to normal. We wouldn't be a military force anymore, we'd go back to being keepers of the peace...but that wasn't true.

"Anatoli." I said sternly. "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" He asked.

"I've seen things, visions. I've seen the downfall of the Jedi, and it's near."

"What? That's impossible! We've beat the Separatists on Coruscant, Dooku is dead, once we hunt down Grievous the war will be over...the Separatists don't have the numbers anymore to-"

"It's not the Separatists." I said. "It's something else...I don't know what it is, but the force is destined to be in darkness, more than it already is."

"But...that doesn't make sense."

"We can't make sense of these things. I believe it's the will of the force."

"To wipe out the Jedi? How is that the will of the force?"

"I don't know." I said. "But it's my job to make sure you don't get left in history." I said, grabbing two lightsabers from the closet with the force. "I want to see your skill, don't hesitate."

"A-against you?" He asked. I nodded and ignited the training lightsaber. "Alright..." he ignited his lightsaber.

I closed my eyes, feeling his intention. He swung, and I dodged. He lacked real motive and was unsure if I was fully alert.

"We were both trained to rely on our instincts. I can see you, through the force." I said, showing him to take this seriously.

He stepped infront of me and swung, I instinctively blocked and parried him. I moved to the offensive and pressed on until he locked his blade with mine and twirled it, leaving me open for a short moment. He swung as I blocked rather easily.

"You're still not serious." I said. "You should never underestimate your opponent." I grabbed another lightsaber.

"That's not fair-"

"Nothing ever is." I charged him with a mix of form 4 and 5, swinging both blades simultaneously to knock his blades out of his hands. "Again." I said.

He stood up. I felt him shift his stance to a double handed grip, similar to Anakin. He swung his blade aggressively overhead. I blocked his overhead swing by crossing my two blades over each other.

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