Biggest Hangover Of Her Life!!!!!

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Josh gently held her shoulder as their eyes met. "Tell me what you wanted to say in the hospital."

Attempting to regain logical thinking and control over her emotions, Shivi hesitated, "I mean, I don't know. I got a little panicked... Nothing more."

Josh, sensing her attempt to conceal her true feelings, tried to provoke her again. "Maybe I should have really died."

In fear and anger, Shivi pushed him away. Despite her initial efforts to maintain composure, the unexpected provocation shattered her logical and rational thinking.

Her gaze bore into him with an unmistakable edge of anger. "I told you not to utter that word. Don't you dare leave me. Enough of all my filters. I am done holding back."

Approaching him, she grabbed both his collars and looked straight into his eyes. Losing the last bit of self-control, she confessed, "Listen to me carefully, Mr. Josh Andrews. You have taken away my sleep, making me yearn for you every single second. When I am near you, even my soul sweats. Ruth wasn't using me; I was using her too. I needed a reason to be around you, maybe I was giving myself one. And those weeks I stayed away, I felt like dew drops on fire.

Merely hearing your name gives me butterflies in my stomach. Every time I decide to walk away from you and kill those butterflies, you feed them nectar of love and make them doubly excited. Your voice, your smell, and your mannerisms—everything about you drives me crazy. And those gorgeous ocean green eyes, that is the only place I want to jump and commit suicide right now.

Your arms feel like armor around me, and I run into them every time I am not able to hold myself, because of the warmth you have given me. I feel like you are a boon that I never even wished for. I was so sure I would never fall for any guy in this world, but your love has spun me off my axis, pushed me beyond my boundaries, and now nothing matters to me anymore. I have fallen for your unconditional and selfless love.

I am done handling this tornado all alone inside. I am too weak to hide it from you anymore."

Josh's face turned serious as he tried to interpret every word she said. She had broken all the rules she set for herself in one go. He pushed her slowly apart, standing a foot away. Placing his index finger against his lips and thumb on his cheeks, he seriously contemplated what she said. "Did you mean everything you said, or is it some hangover from a Bollywood movie you saw?"

Despite pushing her to choose him all along, now that she did, he questioned if she really meant it. Shivi moved closer to him, and said, "Yes, I am having the biggest hangover of my life, and I don't think it's going to end soon, and that's you. Please accept me as your girlfriend and put an end to this misery of mine of not belonging to you."

Josh maintained a stern expression as he uttered, "I never thought you had this intense feeling for me. Sounded really romantic. But you misinterpreted one thing."

Shivi narrowed her eyes, trying to decipher his cryptic message. Anticipation surged within her; he was her lifeline, the only thing preventing her from drowning, quite literally.

Josh attempted to clarify his feelings, "Don't mistake me. I am not interested in having you as my girlfriend anymore. I think I am past that."

Shivi shook her head in disbelief, unsure if she had heard correctly. A low laugh of denial escaped her lips. Just hours ago, he had professed that he would die if she didn't reciprocate, and now he claimed he didn't want her. It had to be a joke, she thought. But Josh was not one to play with her emotions in such a manner, leaving her struggling to find words.

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